Geben Sie in Ihrer PDA 2x 2x 3x ein, um den Cheat-Modus zu starten. The ultimate source of patches & addons for Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Mercenaries 2 World in Flames is an action adventure game that has been developed by Pandemic Studios and published by Electronic Arts. Mercenaries 2 World in Flames Overview. Der Krieg kennt keine Gewinner - außer Söldner wie Sie. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Official Trailer 3. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames is an explosive open-world action game set in a massive, highly reactive, war-torn world. A power-hungry tyrant interferes with Venezuela’s oil supply, sparking an invasion that turns the country into a full-blown war zone. Additionally, since World in Flames takes place in bright and beautiful Venezuela, you'll get very colorful explosions to boot. Also note that you're going to need a very powerful machine in order to run Mercenaries 2: World in Flames as smoothly as possible and be able to enjoy the game's highly realistic graphics. A power-hungry tyrant messes with Venezuela's oil supply, sparking an invasion that turns the country into a warzone. The game has been set in the war torn Venezuela is the continuation of Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. They tried to double cross you; you will make them pay in Mercenaries 2: World In Flames. The game has been set in the war torn Venezuela is the continuation of Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. ONLINE FEATURES AND SERVICES FOR THIS TITLE HAVE BEEN DISCONTINUED AS OF MAY 11, 2010. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames is an action-adventure video game developed by Pandemic Studios and published by Electronic Arts for PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows.It is the sequel to 2005's Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction.The game is a third-person shooter with an open world, set in a fictionalized war-torn Venezuela. Otherwise the image will be so clunky and full of glitches that you'll be dead before you can spot your enemies. In "Mercenaries 2 - World in Flames" profitieren Sie von einer internationalen Krise, die in Venezuela ihren Ursprung hat. internet connection, online authentication and acceptance of end user license agreement required to play. It is an impressive shooting game with loads of action and adventure. Mercenaries 2 World in Flames Overview. A power-hungry tyrant messes with Venezuela's oil supply, sparking an invasion that turns the country into a war zone. Nun lassen sich die folgenden Funktionen aktivieren. Стоит только скачать Mercenaries 2 World in Flames через торрент, вы сразу же погрузитесь в приключения. to access online features, you must register online with the enclosed serial code. In that time, the open world game has blossomed … Mercenaries 2 World in Flames is an action adventure game that has been developed by Pandemic Studios and published by Electronic Arts. Mercenaries 2 World in Flames Free Download PC Game setup in single direct link for Windows. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames™ zeigt die heißeste Action im Leben eines Söldners, das nur zwei Gesetzen unterliegt: Jeder bezahlt - und keiner beleidigt einen Söldner während seiner Zerstörungsorgie. Mercenaries 2 World in Flames PC Game 2008 Overview. When a power-hungry tyrant messes with Venezuela's oil supply he sparks an invasion that turns the country into a war zone. The total payback update! Cheat-Modus aktivieren: Anmerkung: Die Cheats funktionieren erst nach dem letzten Online-Update. Massively Open World – Play throughout the varied terrains of Venezuela that is larger than all the Mercenaries maps combined. Mercenaries 2 World in Flames has been developed by Pandemic Studios and is published under the banner of Electronic Arts. Weitere virengeprüfte Software aus der Kategorie Spiele finden Sie bei! Mercenaries 2: World in Flames - Test, Action-Adventure, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, PC mercenaries 2: world in flames™ terms and conditions. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames™ is an explosive open-world action game set in a massive, highly reactive, war-torn world. • Eine riesige, offene Welt – Spiele in Venezuela auf einem Terrain, das größer ist als alle Mercenaries-Karten zusammen. Mercenaries 2 should probably carry a big, fat disclaimer stating "not for structural engineers who are faint of heart"--thanks to the PS3 and its bajillion processors, you can blow the crap/rivet/scaffold/rebar out of any building in the game. only one registration is available per game. Mercenaries 2 World in Flames ist ein explosives Actionspiel, das in einer riesigen offenen und hochgradig reagierenden Welt spielt - einer vom Krieg zerrissenen Welt. В этой игре нет правил, вы вольны делать все, что пожелаете. It’s been a long two years since our fearless leader first clapped eyes on Pandemic’s Mercenaries 2. Ein machthungriger Tyrann greift nach der Ölversorgung Venezuelas und löst damit eine Invasion aus, die das Land in … Read more Characters, cheats, and fixes, oh my! Mercenaries 2: World in Flames – Patch 1.1 kostenlos in deutscher Version downloaden! Our team is aware of an issue in Mercenaries 2: World in Flames that causes the game to freeze during startup when connected to the internet.To work your way around this issue, proceed to follow the steps below: Xbox 360:.