As the night sheds its tear / I fall asleep / under a dying star, / sprayed in snow petals / with lost forgotten dreams, / while I played in the moon light. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. The black clouds are gathering. Petals of the moon creates a world of darkness in the verse. She cannot light the city: It is too bright. Many nights we toss and turn for several different reasons.… Come into my shelter and be saved. Petals of the moon creates a world of darkness in the verse. Petals of the Moon is a collection of poems that take the reader through the journey of night. Petals of the Moon is gorgeously weaved and full of poetry that moves and speaks to your heart and soul. She is thin and lustreless, But I love her. A world of night many of us have visited before. Page A world of night many of us have visited before. The moon kept its cool blue light, just for you. Most beautiful moon poems ever written. War is coming! Published at the web's largest poetry site. I … The author has considered the impact the book itself will make on the reader, she’s taken the time and effort to really walk through your experience beforehand and ensure you are guided to the poignant and powerful imagery and emotions possible in a beautifully designed book. .My tears are like the quiet driftOf petals from some magic roseAnd all my grief flows from the rift. Petals of the Moon by C. Churchill is a wonderful collection of heartlfelt poems and photography. It has white lamps, And glitters coldly. Words of pain and loss describing the heartbreak and struggle of learning … Whether our minds have drifted in longing or despair, we have all been afflicted by the night at one time or another. Whether our minds have drifted in longing or despair, we have all been afflicted by the night at one time or another. petals of the moon waned a crescent of a flower waxed to cabbage rose now the tight held tithes sift down in airy floes lying in the grass of a dark wide-open field sweet swanning petals find me moon's offerings revealed i inhale their fragrance their light sweet perfume they cover me with kisses the petals of the moon Petals of the Moon is a page of poetry and quotes for those who love the moon and all its beauty Jump to M L Soo Poems . compare - Petals of the Moon: A Poetry Collection (C Churchill) (2019) ISBN: 9780578469911 - Petals of the Moon is a collection of poems that take the reader through the journey of night. I know the moon, And this is an alien city. Many nights we toss and turn for several different reasons. My petals are words opening to the moon (aching to be born) - The solitude of night is home, The silence is sweetness welling anointing me with its perfume. Petals of the Moon: A Poetry Collection and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. I stand in the window and watch the moon. Petals of the Moon explores the emotions of darkness. I will still cradle you in my arms. Love not the world, love ME! Longing, anxiety and escape are just some of the things we experience when the lights go out. Whether our minds have drifted in longing or despair, we have all been afflicted by the night at one time or another. I showed my respect for Jesus and refused to shine. A lot of these pieces are also laced with such poignancy that is full of truths, making this entire book such a …