In Chapter 2, the White Rabbit is terrified by Alice, and the Mouse instantly dislikes her.

Chapter II concludes, then, with the pool of tears becoming suddenly filled with a strange menagerie of Wonderland creatures: a Duck, a Dodo, a Lory (a parrot), an … As she is growing to adult proportions Alice begins to worry about her feet, her tiny feet, as though they were children. In this way Alice's manner of speaking becomes more adult and motherly. As Alice expected, at the beginning of this chapter the cake indeed does make her grow quite tall. This is partly because of Alice's clumsy references to cats, but many of the creatures Alice meets will be angry or nervous. Wonderland, Chapter 2 The Pool of Tears The cake that Alice just ate starts to take effect: she grows and grows until her feet seem too far away for her to put on her own shoes. Alice thinks she might as well try speaking to the mouse but he doesn’t seem to understand English, so she tries addressing him in French. She sees that it is a mouse, who has also slipped into the pool of tears. Chapter 2: The Pool of Tears. Summary. Alice spots another creature in the pool, swimming far off. She begins to cry, and her massive tears form a sizable pool at her feet. After finishing the cake that says “EAT ME,” Alice grows to nine feet tall and finds that she can barely get an eye down to the doorway. Throughout the book, it is often Alice's role to feed lines to other characters that will bring out their offbeat answers. The White Rabbit reappears and mutters to himself about keeping a Duchess waiting.