While some cats are fine traveling, staying in hotels, or being boarded in a kennel, most cats are better off when they stay in their own home with a pet sitter. After spaying, cat behavior will generally remain the same. Here’s how to help your cat get back to a routine after … Many people are surprised to learn that it is common behavior for a cat to hide in silence for seven to ten days when stressed or injured. This behavior typically is observed either within the first two days (after the cat has built up confidence) or not until seven to ten days later when their hunger or thirst has reached a point where they will respond. This is more common in multi-cat homes. If a cat is more socialized to other cats (feral or born of a feral mom) and is only timid with humans, it's more likely that it is wanting to explore with other cats. I've been reading about cat behavior, and how they use scent to stake out their territory. Behavior & Appearance; How Cats Grieve and Cope With Loss | Hill's Pet ... Don't attempt to replace a lost cat immediately. A neutered cat will be calmer and less active. Drastic Change in Cats Personality after Being Lost. Lost Cat Behavior . Your cat may act differently under stress, or if he is injured. by Carmen (Lexington, KY) The Lovely SWAT in happier days ... Lost cat of 1 month found, different behavior by: Marty Our cat Baby is 4 years old and was an indoor cat. There's confusion about where the other cat has gone. Spaying your cat has many advantages, both for her health, and in preventing unwanted kittens from coming into the world. Normally, your cat might come to you when you call, but you can’t rely on that behavior … While some cats are fine traveling, staying in hotels, or being boarded in a kennel, most cats are better off when they stay in their own home with a pet sitter. Cat behavior problems can occur during the owner's absence, while being transported, or even at the return of the owner. By Kathy “Kat” Albrecht. These cats may be disoriented from anesthesia, causing them to become upset and aggressive. The behavior issues that are related to the heat period and spraying should stop in cats after neutering. You might wonder if kitty will understand why you’re leaving and how it will affect her. When a cat becomes “lost,” various factors influence its behavior. Marilyn, a certified cat behavior consultant, owner of The Cat Coach, LLC, solves cat behavior problems nationally and internationally through on site, Skype and phone consultations. If you notice behavior changes that result in your cat being scared or abnormally aggressive then they may be sad. It is a natural form of protection for a cat to find a place to hide under a house, a deck, a porch, bushes, or any place they can crawl.