Zero points. At the age of 15 he bought his first car, and while I co-signed the note for him, he never once asked for help making the payments. Okay, maybe it's not that easy. My oldest son is a renaissance man. Another Italian humanist who epitomized the Renaissance Man ideal was Leon Battista Alberti. It means keeping your mind sharp and your body in good shape, for the mind needs a … The mass of modern society in which we live, does not place real value on a renaissance man's true attributes, thus many who fit the definition are not recognized as such. #2 Self-Taught. We talked about what it meant to be a renaissance man historically, how modern renaissance people differ from the historical model, peoples personal experiences as ‘renaissance’ types in the modern world, what it means and … The star of Milk, Howl and the forthcoming … At the most recent Cre8Camp (September 2010) I got to facilitate a conversation about what it means to be a modern renaissance person. Many men are true renaissance men (me included). Even if nobody really likes the individuals, and they never really invented anything from scratch, (renaissance men never do, they usually are generalists) you have to admit that what they did with their resources radically changed the face of modern culture in ways that cannot be described as faddish. There are many ways to be a modern Renaissance man, but the following specific 10 examples will give you a boost and get you thinking about … Earlier this week I was reading up on the Renaissance for my Western World history class. Top Renaissance Man Characteristics #1 A Well-Rounded Education. As society, technology, and our collective knowledge changes, so too does the profile of the Renaissance man. Since this blog is focused on renaissance men and renaissance living, I thought it might be a good idea to establish exactly what a Renaissance Man is. Examples of modern day Renaissance men include: Bono ; Brad Pitt ; Norman "Sailor Jerry" Collins ; James Franco ; Ryan Gosling ; Hugh Jackman ; Steve Jobs ; Viggo Mortensen ; Justin Timberlake ; Pharrell Williams ; As you can see, all of these men are accomplished in many areas and are classic examples of Renaissance men. First, let’s start with the term Polymath. The two best examples of the past hundred years are Walt Disney and Bill Gates. * It goes without saying that you have a profession that you’re good at. Negative one if you don’t. Each man must assess his own strengths and weaknesses and find the best use for his vital characteristics. Renaissance men are very well educated. This term was the predecessor of “Renaissance man” and means the following: During the Renaissance…