Last week, I met a middle school teacher who broke out in tears as she told me how her students’ behavior was “out-of-control.” I know she’s not alone: Middle school students are notorious for their refusal to follow rules, driving teachers to tears and worse. Other Middle Childhood Problems: Internalizing Problems, School Maladjustment, and Peer Relationship Problems. Child behavioral problems become real problems when they affect learning at school. Mental performance - eg, problems at school. Noise Making in Class. Dating. Noting that school misconduct is one of the manifests of the problem behavior syndrome [15–17], the term “problem behavior” was used to refer to all externalizing behaviors that violate explicit rules or implicit norms, disturb the classroom order, and irritate the process of teaching and learning in this study. So many adolescent changes unfold in middle school, most young people find it an emotionally challenging experience. Handling challenging behavior problems in the classroom ... below is such in-depth coverage of some of the best ways that you can handle the most common and challenging behavior problems in the classroom. Shift gears from the direct involvement you have with a younger child to the support system a teenager needs. You'll want to rule out any underlying developmental issues, learning disabilities, or medical conditions. Is he having a tough time adjusting to middle school or high school? Try these strategies to cope with common issues. While children can display a wide range of behavior problems in school, from disruptive talking in the classroom to fighting and name-calling on the playground, the reasons for bad behavior are usually simple. School Behavior How to Solve 8 Common Behavior Problems in the Classroom. They also become problems when they get the child in trouble due to what they say and do with other kids. These problems often overwhelm teachers, particularly novices, and some consider them the most difficult aspect of a teacher’s work day. Addressing Problem Behavior of Middle School Students Counselors have a leading role to play in reducing behavior problems and producing a more positive learning environment in schools. Tiredness is a common problem for many teenagers. Your child could fall behind in school and, if their mental and behavioral health issues persist, they may have trouble getting back on track in the future. If your child’s impulsivity, aggression, inattention, or hyperactivity are getting him in trouble with the teacher and classmates, these strategies may help.