Deadpool verscheen oorspronkelijk in de stripseries New Mutants en X-Force. If you have found something that is not seen on this page, please add it … Fast loading speed, unique reading type: All pages - just need to scroll to read next page Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. List of Deadpool titles. Like many concepts in the book world, "series" is a somewhat fluid and contested notion. A good rule of thumb is that series have a conventional name and are intentional creations, on the part of the author or publisher. [7] 1994 fick Deadpool sina andra miniserie av Mark Waid och Ian Churchill. Därefter syntes han i X-Force och i flera serietidningar som The Avengers, Daredevil och Heroes for Hire. is the source for Marvel comics, digital comics, comic strips, and more featuring Iron Man, Spider-Man, Hulk, X-Men and all your favorite superheroes. Deadpool: The Circle Chase Limited Series #s 1-4 (1993) Written by Fabian Nicieza. He finally gets all of them down. In 1993 kreeg hij zijn eigen vierdelige miniserie (The Circle Chase door Joe Madureira). 1993 fick han sin egen miniserie som hette The Circle Chase. Deadpool je fiktivn í komiksová postava ... V roce 1993 získal svou první minisérii s názvem The Circle Chase, již psal Fabian Nicieza a kreslil Joe Madureira. Den är skriven av Fabian Nicieza och ritad av Joe Madureira. Deadpool je fiktivní komiksová postava vydavatelství Marvel Comics.Poprvé se objevil v sešitu The New Mutants #98 (únor 1991) z rukou kreslíře Roba Liefelda a scenáristy Fabiana Niciezy.Při svém prvním objevení byl padouchem, ale postupně se přerodil v antihrdinu. Deadpool revealed Copycat's cover to X-Force, and left them for dead by blowing up the complex (without knowing that X-Force had already escaped). Art and Cover by Joe Madureira and Mark Farmer and Harry Candelario. Apareix en diversos comic books que publica Marvel Comics.El 1993, el personatge va rebre protagonitzar la seva pròpia mini sèrie, titulada The Circle Chase, escrita per Fabian Nicieza i dibuixada per Joe Madureira, i el seu èxit el va fer protagonitzar en 1994 una segona mini sèrie, Deadpool escrita per Mark Waid, dibuixada per Ian Churchill i entintada per Jason Temujin Menor i Bud Larosa. This page contains a list of all the comics included in Deadpool: The Circle Chase Vol 1: (1993-1993) (published by Marvel Comics). La sua prima apparizione è in Deadpool: The Circle Chase n. 1, e la prima nelle vesti di Penetraitor risale a Cable & Deadpool n. 43. Deadpool and his … [8] Mercenaries hunt for Deadpool on the war-torn streets of Sarajevo. Jump to navigation Jump to search Deadpool is a comic book anti-hero in ... Deadpool: The Circle Chase #1-4 (August 1993- November 1993) Deadpool Sins of the Past #1-4 (August 1994- November 1994) Deadpool Suicide Kings #1-5 (June 2009- October 2009) Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth #1-13 (September 2009- September 2010) Prelude to Deadpool Corps #1-5 (May 2010) … Tu psal Mark Waid a kreslil Ian Churchill. Hij werd echter populair genoeg om een eigen stripserie te krijgen. He takes out a few from the start and then continues to fight them while making fun of them while he fights. He suddenly attacks them to confuse them. Deadpool watches his hunters from a window. En 2002 apareceu na secuela Agent X e en 2004 en Cable & Deadpool que chegou ós 50 números (febreiro de 2008). Maestro hacker, geek ed esperto di tecnologia sofisticata, anche applicata alle armi, ha affiancato in non poche occasioni Deadpool. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Ook begon hij gastoptredens te maken in de strips van Wolverine, Nomad, Silver Sable, en Heroes For Hire. Despois apareceu en dúas series limitadas, Sins of the Past e The Circle Chase e en 1997 apareceu a súa propia serie, inicialmente escrita por Joe Kelly e que se mantivo ata o número 69.