Curriculum development is a problem solving process and it involves … This paper discusses the issues and challenges in curriculum development for accounting education. ERIC Digest. This article will discuss various issues affecting early childhood education including how politicians are reacting. As a result both small and substantive changes in curriculum are continually being made. ethical issues is understood as part of a process oriented approach. Curriculum development• Problems of planning an effective andintegrated curriculum are not simple.• A good curriculum involves out of harddedicated and intelligent work conducted oncontinuous bases. Narrow Topic: Curriculum Standards and Testing, Evaluation of Instruction, Program Audit/Evaluation, Government Role in Educational Research & Development, Freedom/Authority and Curriculum, Ethical Issues in Curriculum, Student Assessment, Social Efficiency/Control, Local Control of Schooling, Curriculum Implementation The need for this curriculum was based on data from a previous assessment completed with this same population of nurses. Moral and Ethical Issues in Teacher Education. In addition to the ethical issues affecting learning mentioned above, other issues worth noting include flexibility in the curriculum development, teaching strategy, continuous assessments, knowledge transfer and best practices cross the board. Falsification of data or information related to assessment violates every model of ethical conduct and law. 1. Your Professional and Ethical Standards Ethical standards, standards of practice and the professional learning framework describe what it means to be a member of the teaching profession in Ontario. Nature of curriculum development While some issues about content and order are generally agreed upon in any given area of study, a conversation is always underway about how to improve. Know also that cynicism and sarcasm are signs of anger or pain and they should be respectfully addressed so that possible deeper needs and concerns of instructors can be nurtured. WHEN ALL THINGS ARE NOT CONSIDERED: ETHICAL ISSUES IN A WELFARE-TO-WORK PROGRAM Silvana Ianinska, Tonette S. Rocco, Ursula Wright, Juan Covas, and Carmen Watson Abstract Employing an ethical perspective to viewing problems as well as regard for participants’ socio-cultural context will help providers apply a constructive approach to program planning, curriculum … Curriculum development• Developing or revising a curriculum one isfaced a number of problems and issues. However, be cautious as sarcasm and cynicism tend to inhibit these qualities.