This casual dress code policy provides guidance for employees about what is proper to wear to work in the most casual of work environments. Let your employees know what’s expected of them and lay out a general dress down Friday dress code to follow – for example whether smart jeans are allowed. It is a job perk particularly agreeable to employees of Generations X and Y, … You should indicate in the statement whether your company requires a specific dress code (i.e. [Company Name] Dress Code Policy: Employees are expected to dress in [casual, business casual, smart casual, business] attire unless the day’s tasks require otherwise. PwC calls for their employees to use “common sense” when following this new flexible dress code. This policy will be in effect at the beginning of the summer semester and ending after the Labor Day holiday. Some businesses actually allow employees to work from home on certain days of the week (every day can be the proverbial casual Friday). Casual Friday (also known as dress-down Friday or casual day) is a Western dress code trend since late 20th century, in which some business offices relax their dress code on Fridays. If you’re telling new hires that your dress policy is “business casual,” you can bet they’ll do three things before they show up for work the next day. This won’t apply if employees are meeting with clients, partners and other external parties. For starters, check out your employee handbook to see if there are explicit policy guidelines. This more relaxed, business casual dress code usually includes khakis or similar trousers with an open-collared or polo shirt for men, and similar pants or a casual skirt and top for women. Dress Code Policy. Casual dress policies are offered voluntarily by some employers and vary by employer. While many businesses have become okay in allowing a casual Friday, many have yet to enforce a dress code for it. Every Friday, Commission staff may dress down unless they are acting in a representative capacity that day and are required to wear Business Formal attire. TGIF! We’ve got you covered with some basic guidelines, plus four looks you’ll love to try. You’ve survived the first week at your new job, the weekend is on its way, and thanks to your company's Casual Friday policy, it’s time to trade in those suits and heels for something a little more comfortable.. The [company name] dress code policy applies to [which positions this applies to]. For those of you who work in corporate offices, Casual Fridays are a glorious opportunity for you to ignore that stuffy business-attire dress code. Employees are permitted to wear appropriate blue jeans on this day. But, given that “casual” is defined a little differently anywhere you go, what exactly does an appropriate Friday dress code entail? Dress down Friday is a policy that allows employees to wear more casual attire on the last day of the week. Chief among them is that in a business casual environment, shirts for men usually have collars and the pants worn are khaki. DEFINITIONS A. For men, this means that you can maximize your casual look with a polo, jeans and a pair of “ … The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for appropriate business attire at the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA). Establishing a casual dress code is an inexpensive way to improve the morale of employees. icecream17 Post 2 @Suntan12- Sometimes people take advantage of the casual Friday dress policy and have their own version of what casual means. Explain whether this is a one-day break from the typical office dress code or will be a recurring event, such as a casual Friday policy. Work-at-Home Fridays. Your dress code policy statement should express the key goal of your policy: to ensure a safe, comfortable, and professional workplace for everyone. The normal dress code will be relaxed during the summer to provide a more practical and comfortable clothing standard. 2. Do Your Research. Some businesses allow nice jeans and even T-shirts, although dress codes vary on these points. If employees frequently meet with clients or prospects, they should conform to a business dress code. Fridays are already one of the best days of the week -- and when you add the word "casual" to it, the day jumps to a whole new level of awesome. Greet the employees in the introduction of the jeans day memo and relay the purpose of the letter; the introduction of jeans day. An employee’s position may inform their dress code. Employees must always present a clean, professional appearance. Dress down Friday should allow people a day to be more expressive and comfortable, but that doesn’t mean it should be a free-for-all. Since Fridays mark the start of the weekend in many countries, behavior in general tends to be more relaxed, with some employers not being as picky about standards of dress, and … Business casual with one company might be considered casual Friday attire at another. The [company name] dress code policy applies to [which positions this applies to]. III. [Company Name] Dress Code Policy: Employees are expected to dress in [casual, business casual, smart casual, business] attire unless the day’s tasks require otherwise. They are: Google “business casual” Then, after reading too much confusing and contradictory advice online, they’ll call a friend to ask “Hey Mike, what the heck is business […] While it may be okay to dress down in jeans and sneakers, that doesn't mean you should be sloppy.