These books for 10-year-old readers will ignite their imaginations. Books for ten-year-olds Children's book lists go from Snuggle Puppy to The Stand. Spam or Self-Promotional The list is spam or self-promotional. Best 10 year old boy books Score A book’s total score is based on multiple factors, including the number of people who have voted for it and how highly those voters ranked the book. Best history books for children. You can also click Find in Library to check book availability at your local library. Whether you're looking to embark on a Tudor adventure, be enthralled by tales set in World War II, or uncover the secrets of Victorian England, you'll find it all in these riveting reads. If the default library is not correct, please follow Change Local Library to reset it. These books will help kids understand the events of one of the most interesting periods of modern history: World War II. It is the ultimate booklist to read before you're 14, with books for children 0-5, 6-8, 9-11 and 12-14 years. Technically, these are the 12 best history books. Best books for 10-14 year olds Score A book’s total score is based on multiple factors, including the number of people who have voted for it and how highly those voters ranked the book. Inappropriate The list (including its title or description) facilitates illegal activity, or contains hate speech or ad hominem attacks on a fellow Goodreads member or author. I’ve collected my best recommendations here and as I read and review books, I’ll continue … That's fine, but as an auntie, it's hard to know where in the spectrum a particular child might fall. Reading critically: 12-year-olds should be able to express issues in what they read and will have developed a taste for certain genres over others. Nonfiction Books for 10-Year- Olds. My 10 year old is an avid reader. The Best History Books (for 8-10 year olds) recommended by Alex. Details * 10 Must-Reads for the History Buff in Your Life A list by Random House “If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.” So said American novelist and humanitarian Pearl Buck—but these days, who has time to search yesterday? The Best Books for 10 Year Olds. by John Holbo on April 8, 2012. Recommended reading lists for children in Key Stage 1 with picture books and first chapter books carefully selected by teachers and librarians. Are you trying to get your son or daughter into reading more history? The Best Jokes For 10 Year Old Kids! Does your 10-year old boy or girl in fifth grade need a good book? Let them read through this list of expert recommendations for the 50 best books for 9- and 10- year-olds and select one (or 10) … Since children this age are also placing a greater value on independence, they may be more interested in choosing books for themselves. He’s also a fast reader and I have a hard time keeping up with him! Good History Books For 10-Year Old Girls? . Rocket to the Moon: Big Ideas That Changed the World by Don Brown Instead of reading a narrative nonfiction book, get your fact-filled history about the first moon landing in an exciting, well-written, black-and-white graphic novel. ... My closest friend from hs has written a history book for 10+year-olds based on her father’s WW II diary (he was a young boy at the time). When I was a child, I had my nose in a book at all times. On this list you'll find historical fiction to give context for the time period and convey what it really felt like for fighters on the front lines, kids and families back home, and Jews in hiding or sent to concentration camps.