This is going to cost a fortune. He is the future version of Melvin Sneedly, and the former Principal of Jerome Horwitz Elementary School. Captain Underpants and the Bizarre Blitzkrieg of the Bothersome Butt-erflies 24m The boys use Melvin's new animal hybrid invention to make a creature that's a cross between a butt and a fly. Melvin tries to help defeat a clay monster, but somehow turns everything and everyone into clay! It is the main song for Jerome Horwitz Elementary while Future Melvin was Principal, and is obviously a repeat of the annoying lyric “Melvin!” that prompts George and Harold to find Mr. Krupp. Melvinborg is the main antagonist in the second season of The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants. Melvin is a song from Captain Underpants and the Frantic Fury of the Fearsome Furculees.