Her book Silent Spring detailed how harmful chemicals like DDT could have unintended consequences; both the work and the public’s reaction to it helped usher … The US federal government responded quickly to Silent Spring. Many view "Silent Spring" as instrumental in the United States' decision to ban DDT. Silent Spring: A Change in Perspective. Silent Spring is a 1962 environmental science book by Rachel Carson.The book documented the detrimental effects on the environment—particularly on birds—of the indiscriminate use of pesticides.Carson accused the chemical industry of spreading disinformation and public officials of accepting industry claims unquestioningly.. Luckily for the birds, Silent Spring caused a stir, and many credit it with launching the modern environmental movement. Fifty Years After Silent Spring, Attacks on Science Continue. The book was published on September 27, 1962, documenting the adverse environmental effects caused by the indiscriminate use of pesticides.Carson accused the chemical industry of spreading disinformation, and public officials of accepting the industry's marketing claims unquestioningly. Juppé compared the Arab Spring favourably to the Islamic Golden Age and said, "We mustn't be afraid of this 'Arab Spring'." Silent Spring inspired the modern environmental movement, which began in earnest a decade later. Pesticide use became a major public issue after a CBS Reports television special, The Silent Spring of Rachel Carson, which was broadcast on April 3, 1963. What do we oppose? It was the story of how terrible the world would be if pesticides didn't exist, even though Carson had never said that pesticides should be eliminated entirely. Indeed, one of the world’s leading environmental non-profits, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), initially formed in 1967 in reaction to the DDT problem. Home; Teen Dating ... Rachel Carson warned people in her book Silent Spring … ... but this did not stop her. The period before Reach, which came into force in 2007, saw acrimonious debate between the chemical sector and environmental campaigners, with the industry claiming unworkably high implementation costs, issues with confidentiality and, harking back to the Silent Spring … Silent Spring didn't condemn millions to death. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. A well-known entomologist documents some of the misstatements in Carson’s Silent Spring, the 1962 book that poisoned public opinion against DDT and other pesticides. During the seventeen years she worked in the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Rachel Carson learned about the problems of pesticides. We need you to answer this question! The Lies of Rachel Carson by Dr. J. Gordon Edwards (Full text, without tables and illustrations, from the Summer 1992 21st Century).