This video is also available in a left handed version. Perhaps you've been searching for the perfect stretchy cast on or maybe you've been told to use the long tail tubular cast on in a knitting pattern you're using. The long-tail cast-on method is versatile and will work for almost any knitting project. You’ll love my easy to follow demonstration to cast on stitches to begin knitting. You’ll love my easy to follow demonstration to cast on stitches to begin knitting. This is the thumb method for the long tail, which is great for beginners. Knitting Terms. Second, wrap the yarn around your knitting … The Long Tail Cast On. Well, it’s a stretchy cast on, which creates a clean, neat edge. I learned this technique from my friend at knitting group. Cast on with needles one size smaller than the ones you will be using on the rib. If you aren’t sure, you could always do two swatches with scrap yarn, one cast on with your usual method and the other with a long tail cast on, and compare the edges to see how the two cast ons perform. If you’re new to knitting, you might want a refresher on how to make a slip knot.If this traditional method is too un-wieldy and weird for you, check out the Long Tail Cast On (Thumb Method), which some say is easier for beginners.. This knitting tutorial includes a video and a step-by-step photo tutorial to show you this good technique for beginners. The long-tail cast on is a perennial favorite of a lot of knitters, but it can cause some frustration, particularly when you have to cast on a large number of stitches, and when it comes to estimating how long your long tail should be. Before we discuss the long tail cast on method, a quick word on some knitting terms. This is the way most beginners prefer to place yarn onto your knitting needle in preparation for knitting. Today’s Knitting 101 is all about how to long tail cast on in knitting. Long tail cast on is one of the most popular cast on methods among knitter. This makes it so useful for all kinds of projects. Learn how to Cast On Knitting Stitches for beginners in 3 easy steps with my close-up photo and video tutorial demonstrating the Long-Tail Cast On. It's a quick and easy way to cast on a large number of stitches quickly, and it gives your edge a nice, even look. The long-tail cast-on is an easy method that results in a firm yet stretchy edge and uses only one of your needles. Today, we talk about how to cast on knitting using the long tail cast on method. Both the traditional and thumb method will result in the long tail cast on. Setting up for a Successful Long-Tail Cast-On I also go over some more cast on methods great for beginners. The long tail cast on or double cast on is one of the most popular and quickest cast on knitting methods. The long tail cast-on is one of the most common cast-on methods. Long Tail CO creates a neat edge but you are often left with too much tail or run out before you have enough stitches. The long tail cast on is the best all-purpose cast on: it’s stretchy, but not too stretchy; it’s firm yet flexible; it lays flat and looks pretty. In this post, I’ll show you the long tail cast on. [divider] When I learned how to knit the long tail cast on, my biggest frustration was estimating the length of tail I needed for the number of stitches I needed to cast on. This is the way most beginners prefer to place yarn onto your knitting needle in preparation for knitting. Below are some knitting phrases you’re bound to come across at one point or another. Get 10% Off a Foxy Roxy which is an ideal knitting kit for your to use your long tail cast on technique using the following discount code: Make a slip knot, leaving a very long end (approximately four times the width of the piece you are knitting) and slip it onto your needle. This is because it's extremely versatile. I really like to use this cast on for almost everything because it look beautiful and snuggle. How to start a knitting project? You may also see it referred to as the slingshot cast on. This counts as a "knit" stitch in your 1x1 rib cast on. Of all the knitting cast on methods, the long tail cast on is the easiest to learn. Either way, today I will be teaching you how to knit this fantastic cast on, which will seriously improve any of your knitting … This cast-on seems to have a lot of steps, but once you get the hang of it, the long-tail cast-on is fast and even. To determine how much yarn for a long tail cast on, there are a few steps to take: First, unravel a small amount of yarn from your yarn ball. The long tail cast on method is a great and widely used technique because it is pretty easy to make, and it creates a beautiful, sturdy result.