the teachers role in the community as a whole is like a potter. He/she must be ready to go into research and community service. In those areas in which teaching has not yet become a profession, the teacher may fill fewer of these roles. Although school boards create school policy and administrators interpret these policies, teachers are the personnel who implement school policy. The teacher in the classroom and community 1. Teachers can set the tone of their classrooms, build a positive learning environment, mentor and nurture students, become strong role models and listen and look for signs of trouble. Teacher leaders work across the board in varying roles. Public servants like teachers, firemen and police officers are the backbone of the community. As a general rule, teachers are the first thing a community sees when evaluating a school system and it … Public servants like teachers, firemen and police officers are the backbone of the community. Students spend a great deal of time with their teacher and therefore, the teacher becomes a … all students in a community through the strategic deployment of resources provided by the Department and the school community. Teachers typically do not think of themselves as role models, however, inadvertently they are. If students in a chemistry class draft poorly structured reports, then a teacher leader in English will step in and help the chemistry teacher advise the students on how to become better writers. Beyond simply educating, teachers serve many other roles in the classroom. The variety of roles ensures that teachers can find ways to lead that fit their talents and interests. Aside of the classroom, the teacher must also be known outside the school system. The primary role of a teacher is to deliver classroom instruction that helps students learn. Again, helping both students and teachers is essential and a key role for teacher leaders. Teacher Roles in Schools. The role of the teacher in a positive school-community relationship is extremely important since it is the teacher who is the backbone of the educational system. 1. A key component of this role is to increase the knowledge base of teachers within their school about student learning and quality teacher practice. Roles of a Teacher in the Classroom. It is important that teacher leadership roles be part of an overall vision and set of values that accepts and expects teachers to participate in leadership. Think about the type of … Nola A., a Senior English Instructor at Eton Institute, provides a useful insight into the roles relevant to today’s teaching. A teacher's roles and responsibilities in a community are to implement the guidelines for teaching students the relevant materials they're provided with during lessons. Encouraging elementary school club ideas. Role Modeling. Expert in some area of knowledge or skills.