In the end you have two ways to get good grades at university. Having entered the university I had to face a bunch of difficulties and trials as a freshman. Good grades in high school translate into higher salaries after graduation, according to figures released today. Once I asked him how he did that. Pay attention in class. Everyone makes mistakes - here are 5 ways to get into college despite a low GPA. When you get out of your college and start appearing for interviews, there is only one thing that will matter to your interviewer and that is your grades. They all seemed so obvious when he told me, that I'm not sure I can recall all of them. This is plagiarism or cheating and you will be caught and punished. Students with poor grades on their transcripts still have opportunities to get accepted into college. Don’t fear, you are not alone. Get Good Grade helped me out with the sociology research and made my life a lot easier. Only thing you can do is study real hard. How to Get Good Grades in College Students who earn good grades do all the basics: go to class, do the homework and ask for help. But, have time to hang out with your friends cause you will have alot of things on your mind. You go to college to gain specialized knowledge, and grades are a reflection of your mastery of such knowledge. "I use tricks" he said. You don't go to college to get grades, high or low. One is to copy the work of someone better than you. By Surviving Studenthood on November 29, 2010. The other way to get good grades at university is to think of an amount of time you are going to devote to reading for an assignment and multiply it by 4. You will need to make sure you understand the subject material in all your classes. Get Good Grades at University Solid grades are important to your academic success and can help land you opportunities, like internships, later in college. How to Get Good Grades in University. As a university student, grades are the measure of your success and having a good grade is an indication of how well you are doing. In class, strive to listen, take notes, and ask questions when necessary. Universities professors are often found of giving students loads of assignment and provides little information on what you should do to be able to get good grades. If you are in university, this is probably right around the time you feel like hell, with exams, papers and a million readings that you put off, even though you swore this was the year you would keep up. Achieving in college can be a highly rewarding experience, and those who get good grades can gain an increased sense of confidence from completing a task as challenging as earning a degree.