1. He is so much more than anything this world could offer although in complete honesty, it took me a long time to learn this. But this is not the interesting sense in which Spinoza is not a pantheist. The next time you hesitate to come before God, convinced he’s disappointed in you, remember these three truths. So the second mark of service is this: Serving the Lord as an elder in the church of God will mean tears, because it will mean getting involved in people's struggles for faith and hope and truth and holiness. Have you ever seen the word "Godhead?" At this point I think we should acknowledge the chief objection to the doctrine of the Trinity, which is that it is absurd. Trials. Finally, our text identifies three vital elements of the Christian faith and doctrine. On the other side of all changing things is growth. Three Truths We Must Learn Truth Number 1 – God is Sovereign. Therefore, these Angels represent God's end time church proclaiming the three angels message from the pulpit, on radio, television, in print and on the internet. God’s sovereignty over history and over nations spans centuries. I Peter 1:3-4 tells us three important truths about the Christian’s hope: The source of the Christian’s hope is the abundant mercy of God (vs. 3). This isn’t because he’s forgetful or flighty. Verse 19b: Serving the Lord means TRIALS. His people, His church. This end time remnant of God's people realize the importance of standing on the truth of God's Word. I will … If God in his grace and mercy in Christ did not take the initiative to grant you hope, you would be left with false hope or vain hope or no hope. Theologians sometimes use that term when they want to refer to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit as three divine Persons in one God. There are many ideas about Christianity, but our aim is to help people understand what the Bible actually says. I wanted another baby way more than I wanted Him b ecause I couldn’t see God’s why. These are truths which are taught only in the Word of God, which are foundational to our daily Christian walk. The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. ... Perhaps you and I have been guilty of the same mistaken notions about God. Change is how God made the world, and while change forces us into the unknown, change isn’t something we have to fear. Change Is a Sign of Growth. God Made You Relational (Nothing’s Wrong with You!) This gospel truth is the most wonderful thing your children will ever be taught in their lifetimes — and they should learn it from you. Three Truths That Can Help. The real issue is not what is the proper reading of the metaphysics of Spinoza’s conception of God … For even if Spinoza does indeed identify God with the whole of Nature, it does not follow that Spinoza is a pantheist. Once you come to him with a repentant heart and confess, he wipes your slate clean. As we come to our text, let us do so with the same prayer which the apostle prayed. God doesn’t remember your past sin. Living These Three Truths.