Jobs Companies Advice Coaching For Employers. But, with careful planning, you can still give your manager the feedback he or she needs to help both of you succeed. While it's great to receive regular feedback from your boss, there's no reason why you can't also give your boss feedback that's positive, negative, or neutral. Employees are often too intimidated to give their boss constructive feedback. First of all, you should prepare yourself. You may be used to receiving regular feedback from your boss. Sign Up. Here we list down a few important things you must do to convey feedback to your manager. Make your feedback timely. Whether your boss is a total douche or just a normal human who has made a mistake, you need to let them know. Your boss may become defensive or, in the worst case scenario, hostile. You’ve likely received your share of feedback from higher-ups—both good and not-so-good, but hopefully all helpful. You should be having regular one-on-one meetings with your boss. Here are some tips for delivering constructive and actionable feedback: Find the right time. I had some ideas about how I thought the company could be better… but I had no clue how to give feedback… It’s something you can deliver back to your boss, in many forms. Here’s an approach to raising concerns with managers that won’t feel risky to you or whiny to them. Keep it brief, to the point, and remain the professional that you are. Use phrases like, “I noticed…” and “From my standpoint…” to tell your boss what is on your mind. Instead, you should see it as an opportunity to improve work management and point out concerns your boss may not have noticed. 2. When giving upward feedback, it can be tempting to tell them what you would do if you were in their position but it’s important to give them feedback from your perspective within the organization, rather than theirs. Deliver the feedback you really think your boss needs to hear—and do it the right way. Feedback doesn’t have […] When it’s your boss. So, in this post, I’ll relay what I told her; I’ll explain how to give feedback to your boss (and I highlight in green how my coworker What you should do when giving feedback to your boss. Your feedback is (or should be) a constructive report on how you assess the situation and its consequences for achieving results. The more we believe in our capacity to accomplish something, the more we trust ourselves to do it well, which in turn increases performance. Here are some tips for delivering constructive and actionable feedback: Find the right time. Ideally, you want to give feedback as soon as you can and in an appropriate setting after something has happened. The ability to give and receive upward feedback, like any form of feedback, is dependent on the relationship between you and your boss. If you’re not, ask for them. The better they ultimately get at responding to feedback, the more comfortable people will be providing it.