handspun yarn festive meylah tweetAfter you remove the skein from the water, roll the skein …

I will do a video tutorial to show you the steps as well. When I started spinning the goal was to make the most even, symmetrical yarn possible. The Dragonwell Cowl, pictured above, which I designed with Jolene Mosely, has a section of consistent 2-ply yarn, and a small section of highly textured art yarn in a coordinating color. Before you start knitting, check your yarn's yardage and WPI, and then be sure to knit a swatch. This puts more work on the buyer, but ultimately it will make that person also more creative. You start spinning in earnest and suddenly you are making yarn! (Me Either)” from Spin + Knit 2016, Leslie Ordal shares her four tips for knitting with handspun yarn no matter what the gauge.. Let’s be honest—I mean, really honest: how many of us spin to spec? It's a great feeling—that fiber magically transforming right before your eyes in your hands. Handspun Recycled Newspaper Yarn is probably one of the easiest and the most practical upcycling idea I’ve ever seen. It’s not just a question of what the market CAN bear, but what it SHOULD bear. Just be sure that you're comfortable wearing the yarn around your neck. A new yarn shop opened up close to us, so I went in to check it out. Whether you decide to use a commercial knitting pattern or design a project yourself, here are some tools and ideas to help you get started. Knitting with yarn that you have spun yourself is a special pleasure. I print them sideways on a letter size sheet. The handspun skeins I've seen at my LYS's are priced from $40 to $60. They're something I put together. We've compiled articles, along with a Yarn Standards chart, from past issues of Spin-Off to create our newest free Guide to Handspun Yarn eBook, to bring descriptions of some of those terms together in one place to give you a good foundation and understanding of the words used to describe yarns. This funny-looking device helps you create a compact loop of known circumference, which will help you figure out how many yards you’ve spun. They look to be under 200 yards and are usually kind of arty. I'm itching to make more. If you don’t know what to do with old newspapers you should produce yarn! Handspun to Necklace: Making the Handspun For this tutorial, any handspun will do. Whether it is handspun or an artful commercial yarn, I know many knitters know exactly what I mean. But soon I really wanted to push the boundaries of what yarn is. I will be using three different kinds of handspun for this project, just to show you how easy it is to make a quick statement necklace. Crochet. Grab your favorite beverage and your yarn and settle in for a cozy getting-to-know-you session. If your yarn isn’t as consistent as you’d like and knitting with the yarn isn’t in your future, this fun kerchief is a great handspun project. Swatching is important to make sure you like the fabric you're creating at a gauge that works for the pattern. But the prices I see on Etsy – 36.00 for 2 oz of handspun art yarn, for example, are very dismaying. Fiber arts are a time-consuming craft to produce, and making one’s living off of handspun yarn seems like a difficult undertaking to me. In 2005, we moved from Chattanooga, TN to Cookeville, TN because of my job. Julie posted a comment yesterday asking about my yarn bands. As you gain confidence in your ability to make a handspun yarn that both sticks together and is reasonably consistent, you may decide that you'd like to try making different types of yarn. Tensioned yarns are ideal for yarns designed for weaving. Make a swatch Before you start a knitting project using your handspun, you should make a sample swatch […] Step 7: How to Get Neat and Smooth Yarn. Handspun yarn can sometimes be denser than commercial yarn, so you might want to go up a needle size for a lighter, squishier fabric. My handspun was piling up and I'd forget how many yards was in a skein what type of wool it was, etc. It's great for road trips, a nice change from intense knitting projects, a quick gift, or something simple to make using up small amounts of leftover yarn. Frankierevolver from “Craftster” community website gives a neat tutorial on how to produce material for weaving baskets and bowls. I used my own hand spun yarn to make this beauty up.