As individuals, both Karen and I were insecure early in our marriage. Posted May 19, 2008 By. Overcoming Jealousy In Your Marriage. 7 Strategies on Dealing with Jealousy in Intimate Relationships . The jealous spouse feels a sense of ownership and possessiveness towards their partner and refuses to allow the partner free agency out of fear that the freedom will enable them to find “someone better.” Causes of jealousy in marriage. But first, what is jealousy in marriage? It’s not always easy, but the good news is that jealousy in relationships can definitely be overcome. We give you some of the tips to overcome jealousy in marriage. 1) Allow yourself to feel secure in your relationship. Get to the root of the problem Okay. What to Do: Consider what’s being stirred up – Daniel Siegel uses the acronym SIFT to describe how we can sift through the sensations, images, feelings and thoughts that come up when we reflect on certain issues in our lives. No one likes feeling like this, so how can we overcome these awful feelings and have a successful, happy and healthy relationship? A little jealousy is alright and can charge your relationship and is also healthy for your relationship. So, to avoid all that and continue living on in marital bliss, follow these five must-know tips for overcoming jealousy in marriage. Wives often struggle with strong feelings of jealousy when they see their husbands talking to other women. Are you a jealous spouse, or are you suffering from your mate’s jealous behavior? Therefore, overcoming jealousy in your marriage is paramount. Jealousy in marriage is how some married people react to a threat they perceive - real or imagined—to their relationship. Helen Fisher, the author of Why We Love, says, “A certain amount of jealousy in a relationship is fine.It’s like waking up to a reminder that you are lucky for having an attractive partner, and that can motivate you to be loving and nice to your partner. Bigstock If you are in a relationship, it is natural to feel a little jealous at times, especially if you have very strong feelings for your partner. Jealousy In A Marriage QUESTION: How Do I Overcome Jealousy in a Marriage? We should try to do just that when we feel jealous. When you have this clarity you no longer react to the scenarios that your mind imagines. How to Deal with Insecurity and Jealousy in Relationships. Often enough jealousy can be a detrimental factor in marriage and can crumble the relationship. There can be several reasons for jealousy in relationships. We deal with our insecurities in different ways. 1. Helen Fisher, the author of Why We Love, says, “A certain amount of jealousy in a relationship is fine.It’s like waking up to a reminder that you are lucky for having an attractive partner, and that can motivate you to be loving and nice to your partner. What Is Jealousy In Marriage? And you get to choose which it will be. Three Steps to Overcoming Insecurity. In this case, your partner probably isn't trying to hurt you, but their actions did remind you of these insecurities. Let’s take a look at them. Just because you have a track record of being jealous in relationships doesn’t mean that you are doomed to feel that way your entire life.