Painting your nails is not only a good self-care ritual but a great way to incorporate magic into your life. The source of your intuition is your inner self, your spirit, or light. Negativity can make empaths feel mentally, emotionally and physically drained, while love and peace can help them heal and flourish. Only you can know your real intention, and you may not know it unless you have the courage and commitment to look for it and find it. Click To Tweet Sometimes you come across folks in your life who are not energetically compatible with you.. When your energy starts flagging in the middle of the afternoon, you might look to a quick energy fix to keep yourself going. You’re actively practicing to choose love over fear. Let’s take a close up look at each strategy to see how you can make changes in your life. It’s not their fault as most of us were conditioned into negative thinking and negative belief systems. You will find that as you practice these simple techniques, you can protect your energy and you will learn to strengthen your field so that you don’t unknowingly take on what’s not yours. How To Protect Your Energy. Just for the sake of the depth of each of the below techniques how to protect yourself as an empath, I’ll stay general. You can tune-in and sense your own energy by being aware of how you feel. Finding your balance = less emotional drama = more time and energy for things that matter = fulfilling and happy life. They include considering your relationships, monitoring your device time, and investing in positive energy-enhancing crystals. Learn strategies to protect your energy and develop intuitive healing. Listen to the Energy Shields teleclinic for more ways on how to protect yourself, including protection for your pets from inhalants, toxic people, and spiritual attachments. The universe only speaks in vibrational frequency. Negative people tend to spend more time on problems than on solutions. Energy vampires, we all know at least one right? As far as the 20% (or whatever number you came up with) that is yours, take another breath and imagine your heart expanding to fit this energy inside it. How to Protect Your Energy. In fact, there are some people who are draining to your energy. (If you are an empath, you may feel like most people are draining to your energy.) Published (or last updated) on February 13, 2019 18 Comments This post may contain affiliate links, please read my disclosure for more info. Imagine that your clothes are actually a mirror, reflecting bad energy away from you, but projecting positive energy to all you meet. Pay attention to the impact of certain people, places, behaviors, and events on your energy. That is why it is critical that you learn how to protect your energy field at work. If you feel that the world is draining your energy, put down your phone and put on your nail polish. In order to tune in to our inner guidance with clarity, we must first clear & protect our energetic space. Here are the three proven ways to protect your space and energy from energy-sucking sources. Read this article to know 8 ways to protect your aura energy. Feel the heat, the tightness, the tingling sensation or whatever comes up that is the feeling you don’t like in your physical body. When you become conscious of when to protect your energy or notice that your energy is out of alignment, you begin to see how much power you have over any situation and this can be an extremely vital part of the manifesting process to fully accept whatever life presents you with. If you're a coach, teacher, healer, counsellor or work with others one-on-one you need to know how to protect your energy or risk burn out! They could have hot energy and you run cold. How To Protect Your Energy. You have transmuted energy from heaviness into a blessing. How you feel emotionally is an indicator of where you are with your energy, also known as your vibrational frequency. Unfortunately, we can’t always avoid people who drain our energy, particularly in the workplace. That said, it’s up to us as individuals to change the patterns and reprogram our mindsets. Sometimes we need to let go of people, places, and behaviors that don’t work for us anymore, that drain, exhaust, and deplete us. We absorb energy from other people, places, different environments.