But, as a Builder, you can be very drawn to the energy, curiosity and adventure that the Explorer offers. Builders are dominant in serotonin. Now, let’s go to the fourth Sexual Personality: The Negotiator. Are you an explorer, builder, director, or negotiator? The Director often chooses to do a good job rather than please others, making them the least socially skilled of the four types. One is dominant. As you read on, you'll probably guess both your primary and secondary types, as well as those of your mate. And in this video, she shows us her groundbreaking results about who people are as lovers and the love they seek as a result! When preoccupied with work or personal goals, they can appear aloof, distant, even cold, and are generally not interested in making social connections, with the exception of those that excite or benefit them. fisher's four love types. Anatomy of Love. Builder. But, as a Builder, you can be very drawn to the energy, curiosity and adventure that the Explorer offers. explorer, builder, director, negotiator. Note that any of these can pertain to a … She says that … Directors are dominant in testosterone. You: Builder/Negotiator with Partner: Explorer/Negotiator. I have a few traits of the Director and even fewer traits of the Builder; and at times I can act "out of character." You have one Dominant and Sub-Dominant Trait Builder, Negotiator, Explorer and Director - Which Personality Type Are You? For whereas Explorers and Builders are drawn to and happiest with their own kind, the initial attraction for Negotiators is usually towards Directors. And negotiators are dominant in estrogen. Each person has one type from each pair. And although each of us is a unique blend of all four personality types, we express some of these types more regularly (and more naturally) than others. How your primary types work together: The Builder and Explorer are polar opposites. Explorer. Director. And these four chemical types I call the Explorer, the Builder, the Director, and the Negotiator. Find out the best love match for your dominant personality trait based on Helen Fisher's personality test. I, for example, am predominantly an Explorer and secondarily a Negotiator. From my studies of genetics and neuroscience I have come to believe that people fall into four broad personality types—each influenced by a different brain chemical: I call them the Explorer, Builder, Director, and Negotiator. But what about those of you who haven't yet found real love? Helen is considered a leading expert on the biology of love and attraction. Builder, Explorer, Director, Negotiator In this week’s Success Newsletter, I would like to reveal the four love types that determine your chemistry and to whom you will be attracted and compatible with. Explorers are dominant in dopamine.