CRYSTALS TO CONSIDER. Amethyst brings calm and it also calms your ego. Add a bit of sea salt to the cleanse or burn sage to really help it get rid of unwanted energies. There are a number of different types of crystals, each filled with their own healing abilities for the mind, body, and soul. How to care for your crystal. Even if you are not sure what your problems relate to, the use of healing crystals will be of benefit to your spirituality and health. Now Program it with the below affirmation. Healing your Emotions with Crystals. Use a crystal when you meditate. It is helpful in emotional issues such as: addiction, acceptance, aggression, bitterness, burnout, anxiety, depression and grief. Sprinkle them throughout your space. Choose the crystal, or crystals, that appeals to you the most. Protection: Being that crystals exude different energies and vibration frequencies, you can use crystals for protection. It’s not just about their physical care, though. When looking to heal your emotional wounds, we suggest using light amethyst colored crystals such as Cranberry Aura Quartz and Muscovite. Metaphysical healing properties: Carry this stone with you to the bank, to business meetings involving finances, or place citrine on your desk and gaze at it while you work. We need support and help from the ones around us and need to find love and trust in ourselves in order to heal and move on. Green Fuchsite If you are a healer, you will benefit by having a large piece of Green Fuchsite in your healing room, as it will help you, the healer, to stand back from situations, both mentally and emotionally. One of the best crystals for letting go of old emotional baggage and moving on is amethyst. Take an amethyst or nirvana quartz and gently press it against the top of your head. Try to touch the crystal often to remind yourself of its presence. Crystals for healing pain and emotional pain have been used, harnessed and connected to for thousands of years. You can also leave it out to dry in morning sunlight or full moon light to let the light filter through. 8 ways to use healing stones “There is no right or wrong way [to use crystals],” Askinosie says. Garnet Stone, Blood Stone and Augite happen to be some of my favorites for spiritual and emotional protection. Tuck them under your pillow when you sleep. Sound Healing: Use sound healing to cleanse and recharge your crystals by playing singing bowls near them, ringing brass bells, or using tingshas. Emotional healing can be complex. Toss them into your purse or pocket. Plus ideas on how to use these best crystals for healing. Letting go takes you to square one. Crystals worn on or close to the body are often used for healing or protective purposes. All of the energies from crystals can be used in a healing session including Reiki, … “Fill me with the throat chakra with Kyanite to Let Go”. The particular location of the stone is also not absolutely critical in most cases. There are many different healing layouts, some specifically created for ailments while others are in place to improve emotional stability. 3. Use during meditation or yoga. Choose stones appropriate for the purpose you want but always use your intuition. A type of quartz, the golden, yellow hue of this crystal is associated with its connection to money, gold, and wealth. these usually do effect the entire body and energy field. 8 ways to use healing stones 1. This beautiful green to blue-green crystal sooths and strengthens you with its … Check what crystal experts suggest for moving forward from emotional pain. Amazonite ranges from green to blue green, can have white or black veins. Healing crystals are great for supporting yourself when you are going through emotional upheaval. This report covers the 12 of the most powerful healing crystals you can use at home, for health and emotional well-being. 2. Ways of Using your Crystal. 7. Amazonite Tumblestone. This is a Third Eye, lower crown and upper crown chakra gemstone that will help you see your situation more clearly. 5. Citrine: The Money Stone. Amethyst – this powerful purple crystal is one of the most popular and powerful healing crystals. These gemstones & crystals can help you release guilt and shame, remember your self-worth, let go of old attachments that no longer serve you, and move forward with strength and clarity.