Importance of report. Business letters are more formal than business emails. Business letters: If we were to define business letters, we could say that business letters are simply letters dealing with business.They can be external mail sent by one company to another or internal correspondence to the employees of the company. Customers who make inquiries are interested in specific information and are excellent business prospects. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Chapter 9: Business Letters & Memos 295 Impact of Writing Basics on Business Letter and Memo Quality No doubt about it, appropriate writing strategies and well-ordered, message-appropriate content are central to effective business letters and memos. Letter is as an indispensable tool of communication in business.Business letters are used to sell the products, make an inquiry about customers or prices of goods, seek information and advice, maintain good public relation, increase goodwill and perform a variety of other business functions. However, these features alone do … business letters may be defined as a media or means through which views are expressed and ideas or information is communicated in writing in the process of business activities. Business letters can be informational, persuasive, motivational, or promotional. Importance of business communication includes Managerial efficiency, Enhance morale and relations, Effective leadership, Mutual trust and confidence, Better … Importance of Presentation skills: Effective presentation skills is a part of communication. There are many standard types of business letters, and each of them has a specific focus. BUSINESS LETTER It is a letter written in formal language, used when writing from one business organization to another, or for correspondence between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. Business letters are also used to build rapport and express gratitude to business associates or customers. Letter is as an indispensable tool of communication in business.Business letters are used to sell the products, make an inquiry about customers or prices of goods, seek information and advice, maintain good public relation, increase goodwill and perform a variety of other business functions. Business letters can be informational, persuasive, motivational, or promotional. Another purpose of writing a business letter is to provide sales incentives, such as special deals, coupons and rebates, for loyal customers. It is careful as the lifeblood of business. Elements of a Good Letter The most important element of writing a good letter is your ability to identify and write to your audience. What Is the Purpose of a Business Letter?