In short, I do not think it is OK to lie to your children, any more than it is ok to lie to anyone. Some lies are … Is it okay to lie to your child? Be as honest as you can be while making sure he feels safe, and knows how a situation might relate to his own life, and how it may not. We’re by no means justifying telling major untruths to your little guys, but sometimes a little white lie is an essential tactic of parenting survival. Your response should not be a lie either, it should reflect the age and the level of understanding of your child. Probably. My children know that if ever they have done anything … Get expert tips to help your kids stay healthy and happy. When it is time for you to leave he becomes extremely agitated and often has to be restrained. Constantly deceiving their children in some way, because frankly a few white lies are EASIER than telling the truth to a child. You probably lie to your child about the tooth fairy. (And if you say you haven’t, you’re probably lying to us now.) But are there any lies that are OK, that aren’t really as wrong as others? And if you don’t want to ever lie to your … On the occasions when you have said you would be back tomorrow he was quite peaceful about your leaving. However, it gets complicating. The habit of lying is common among children. But when your kid starts questioning the likeliness of these characters, it’s time to come clean. And that’s OK. “When the intention is to preserve a tradition, parents can breathe a bit easier knowing that the benefits of the lie will likely outweigh the costs,” Mansell says. It starts sometime between toddlerhood and preschool. And maybe you lied to your child … You might lie when you tell her she won’t grow if she doesn’t drink her milk. But I wouldn’t lie unless it’s for the well-being of the child, but don’t use that as an excuse to never come … I agree with … That is a hard thing to believe for a 16-year-old, and it's even harder to convince your friends of it. And if so, when? The reality is that we have to lie to each other and our children, but we should never lie about materially important things, things that really matter. Maybe it's a lie about the real reason Mom and Dad are getting divorced, because kids don't need to know absolutely everything. Have you ever lied to your kids? My heart goes out to you. If truth be told, even philosophers lack clear-cut answers… Thanks for your feedback! However, when a child is told that their truth is a lie, their self-doubt generalizes to the point where they distrust the outside world. But you're not going to say that . Lying about your child's age to get him a discount on a movie ticket, for example, will teach him that lying is OK. Why Preschoolers Don't Always Tell the Truth. You tell him now every time you leave that you will be back tomorrow knowing that … I wouldn't lie to your daughter nor would I tell her the truth -yet. they'll lie to get them to eat, lie to get them to brush their teeth, lie to get them to eat up, etc. But don’t beat yourself up for lying when it’s in the best interests of your kids. Was this page helpful? When a child suffered a loss of a pet and wants to know where their beloved pet is. Build your trust and faith in your child. He intends to tell the truth once the child is stronger. Your child should be able to confide in you without the fear of getting scolded or punished. One way to know if your child is ready to hear the truth: Try him. If he says something about not liking it later, gently tell him that when someone gives you a gift, the polite thing to do is to be nice about it, even if you don't really like it. When You’re Teaching the Importance of Manners Your quirky Aunt Martha knit your son a sweater that's by all counts hideous.