We invite high quality papers combining law, economics and public policy on issues related to India. All submissions to the conference will be reviewed by two independent peers for technical merit and content. Harvard Law School; Harvard University - Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) There are 2 versions of this paper 27, No. U Chicago Law & Economics, Olin Working Paper No. Call for papers for a special volume of the Journal of Cleaner Production on Greening Behavior towards Low-Carbon Society: Theory, Measurement and Action. 100. Topics of interest include but are not limited to. Call for Papers: International Conference on Business & Human Rights - International Law Challenges, European Responses, University of Milan, ... - Legislation addressing corporate behavior and the provision for a human rights due diligence process in Europe; https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1024815504743. We are expecting papers that raise clear and crisp policy questions and provide concrete and innovative solutions to the problems raised. March 4, 2020 - CALLS FOR PAPERS, Civil Procedure, CONFERENCES, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Human Rights Law, International Law, Law and Philosophy, Legal Education The University of the Philippines College of Law is delighted to announce that it will host the VI International Scientific Congress on June 4-6, 2020. We suggest that many features of … All articles published in the journal during its time with Springer will remain fully searchable through our websites. Robots in specific sectors, ranging from agriculture to underwater to the professions (law, medicine, accounting). Call for Papers: Taxation, Institutions and Firm’s Behavior The International Journal of Law and Tax will publish a special issue from contributions presented at the MakeLearn & TIIM Joint Conference 2016. It is now widely accepted that institutions, broadly defined as systems of established social rules, play a major role in explaining human behaviour. Call for Papers: The First 20 Years of Law and Human Behavior.Law Hum Behav 21, 449 (1997). Effects of robotic adoption on the demand for human labor. Full Papers and Abstracts are invited to submit. Legal. Call for Papers Experimental Studies of Conflict This special issue seeks to showcase an interdisciplinary collection of papers on the experimental studies of conflict in order to advance both scientific and applied knowledge in this area. See all articles by Cass R. Sunstein Cass R. Sunstein. Call for Papers Call for Papers 2004-10-07 00:00:00 P1: GCR Law and Human Behavior [lahu] pp886-lahu-471102 June 19, 2003 18:45 Style file version June 4th, 2002 ° C Law and Human Behavior, Vol. Call for papers for various law journals and law and legal conferences and seminars with a special focus on India. 45 Pages Posted: 19 Jun 2000. CfP: International Journal of Law, Mgmt & Humanities [Vol 2, Issue IV]: Publication Fee Rs. Professors Korobkin and Ulen argue that law and economics can reinvigorate itself by replacing the rationality assumption with a more nuanced understanding of human behavior that draws on cognitive psychology, sociology and other behavioral sciences, thus creating a new scholarly paradigm called "law and behavioral science". From the one hand human behaviour is one of the most studied things we know – we had all the human history to research and experiment. Although scholars generally agree that institutions coordinate human behavior and to a certain extent mold it into recognizable patterns, there is much less consensus regarding the precise mechanisms involved. Law and Human Behavior is now archived and no longer receiving submissions. Part III shifts to an explanation of existing legal rules and institutions. Human behavior is what defines pretty everything in our life. Coverage spans criminal justice, law, psychology, sociology, psychiatry, political science, education, communication, and other areas germane to the field. Interesting topics are listed below for your reference only, and not limited to the following topics: Economics Our topics here include bargaining behavior and the effects of mandatory contract terms. relating to autonomous robots or robots capable of exhibiting emergent behavior. Cite this article. Issues of legal or moral responsibility, e.g. A general call for papers from the APA journal Law and Human Behavior. Lixin Tian a,b, Bin Su c, Axing Zhu d , Hong Chen e, Matthew D. Turner d. a Energy Interdependence Behavior and Strategy Research Center, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 210023, China