My theory is if I drink a lot of smoothies, spring will magically appear. They were replete with Olympic lifts, difficult and now obscure exercises, and plenty of volume. But who can argue with Reg Park’s results and also the results of other old school bodybuilders, training the same way as Reg (Arnold was also doing Reg Parks full body routine the first couple of years of bodybuilding). He was a huge advocate of full body training and like other champions of the time, it was his go-to methodology. This is a program designed to increase stamina and strength and it will push your body to its limits if correctly implemented. The old school strongman Doug Hepburn would row incredibly heavy weights (500 lbs) with this method. Old school bodybuilders deployed a number of techniques to maximize their muscle growth. Keeping your back flat and your core tight, hinge at the hips and bend your knees slightly, slowly pushing your butt back. If you’re putting yourself through a full body workout then it’s necessary to take those off days and use them to recovery from the thrashing you put your body through the day before. They were replete with Olympic lifts, difficult and now obscure exercises, and plenty of volume. Whole-body workouts checked all of the boxes for building a Greek-like physique. Long ago, when lifters were naturally big, strong, and powerful, full-body routines ruled the gym. How Hard Work Was Forgotten. Old School Workout Techniques. Stand holding medium-weight dumbbells, palms facing you, knees slightly bent. Reg Park’s 5×5 Routine: Workout A This training methodology was employed by almost every major bodybuilder up until the mid-1960s when steroids become as prevalent as mini-skirts, tie dye t-shirts and paedophile DJs. If anyone has experience (good or bad) training their full body every day or training a specific bodypart every day, please share your experiences by commenting below. Give both workouts a try and see which one works best for you. Get easy step-by-step expert video instruction for Old-School Muscle to target Total Body. Steroid users have the benefit of recovering fast due to the extra help. 6 Weeks of Old School Muscle Building Gains Execute this 3-day full body workout program for 6 weeks to allow your body time to fully benefit from the workouts. There’s a reason that the old school bodybuilders trained every other day. by Angela (Oh She Glows) on January 13, 2012. The Steve Reeves Full Body Workout. FULL BODY WORKOUT (3 TIMES A WEEK) Full body training is an ‘Old School’ way of training. Long ago, when lifters were naturally big, strong, and powerful, full-body routines ruled the gym. Today we will be discussing one of Reeve’s go-to old school bodybuilding routines for building muscle. If you’ve read any of my previous workout reviews, you’ll know that I’m an ardent advocate of full-body routines.. It can be a tough way to train for anyone but the gains that can be made … Eiferman was an actor, stuntman, and Mr. Universe winner who traveled the country teaching the value of physical training to high school students. Most people imagine that to gain muscle and get your body in great shape, you need to spend hours in the gym every day, doing rep after rep and set after set of hard-core exercises. Whole-body workouts checked all of … There is a reason that the old adage about listening to your body never got old! Keeping your back flat and your core tight, hinge at the hips and … The purpose is to bring the weight close to your body almost like you are hugging the weight. Again, it's depends on your goals. By limiting the number of sets for each body part, you will be able to train the full body in one workout without exhausting yourself by doing too many sets. Regards, Strength Oldschool. Routines written on the site is strict old school BB routines, performed with heavy heavy weights. The following are a few tricks of the trade: Forced Reps. Also call ‘partner assisted’ or ‘spotter assisted’ reps.