Cotton and polyester couldn’t be more different. Home Community The 411 on Cotton vs. Polyester: The Pros and Cons. Sustainable Fabrics – The Bad. ... had the smallest per-use environmental impact of all those tested. Cotton is the most popular fabric used all over the world. Polyester is cheap and versatile and for that reason it has become ubiquitous in fashion, but the environmental impacts of polyester are also significant. When it comes to the various steps between turning a raw fabric into a fi nished product, overall environmental impact may vary wildly. Although the impact on the environment, workers and animals or plants involved in the production varies for each fibre, the impacts nevertheless exist. Sustainable. by Sarah April 4, ... they aren’t great for the environment. It’s important to note that some polyester production systems can differ from others, and polyester can be combined with a natural fibre for example (like cotton), which can change the overall impact or eco footprint of a product or piece of clothing. Are Tote Bags Really Good for the Environment? Polyester Fabrics are … GM crops present a host of environmental issues, including soil and water pollution and threats to biodiversity. ... Cotton’s Impact on the Environment. Cotton Summary — Water and energy use are high, and the useable fiber is one-third of the total harvest volume. When it comes to the various steps between turning a raw fabric into a fi nished product, overall environmental impact may vary wildly. The good, the bad and the ugly ... Cotton farming in general requires massive inputs of water and pesticides and in conventional cotton farming, the environmental impact is staggering. As a result, as per the textile comparison above, overall, the environmental impact of the linen (flax) shirt is considered to be lower than that of the cotton shirt. Read article about comparison between Cotton Fabrics and Polyester Fabrics are given. Polyester, on the other hand, is a synthetic fiber that doesn’t breathe well, repels water, and isn’t sustainable. Less than a third of the world’s cotton is rain fed and as it is very thirsty, leeching away a vital resource in many drought-prone areas where it is grown. The environmental issues with cotton are MANY. The difference is dramatic from an environmental and ecological impact perspective. 100% cotton is biodegradable and returns to the soil, enriching it. It’s a semi-synthetic fibre that is made from trees—but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s any better for the environment, or for you. Polyester Vs. Cotton: Know Which Fabric to Choose and Why. Cotton Fabrics is natural which consumes energy. The 411 on Cotton vs. Polyester: The Pros and Cons. Kalliala and Nousiainen (1999) develop an environmental index model based on life-cycle assessment to determine total environmental impact, including energy in laundering, of a range of fabrics. Top 5 Poly Cotton Advantages: Poly Cotton vs Cotton vs Polyester . However, polyester uses far more chemicals than cotton, most simply because it is made from chemicals.