Prayers for Bobby is a televised docudrama that premiered on the Lifetime network on January 24, 2009. The suicide scene was more than a little uncomfortable to watch, especially knowing that these events indeed took place, along with the noticeable Christian symbolism with Bobby's Christ-like pose as he falls to his death. You can write a book review and share your experiences. They've even got Harry Potter in the “bonus” section of the movie disk saying that homosexuals should “be proud of who you are.” If you are proud to be a homosexual, then you need to get saved my friend. She steps out of the parade to go up to him and give him a hug. She steps out of the parade to go up to him and give him a hug. I think the message in Prayers for Bobby is exactly this; it may take time for people to come to terms with the version of yourself that you need to be. In this book you see how Bobby faced with the pressure of his family and his religion telling him it is wrong to be gay. Prayers for Bobby is a 2009 television film. While it is thin and bland too, it is brilliantly played out and executed in the sense that you actually care what's going on and what's going to happen to these characters. There's a scene in Prayers for Bobby where after Bobby's death, Mary Griffith is marching in the gay pride parade in San Francisco with PFLAG. PRAYERS FOR BOBBY is of the Devil. For Mary Griffith, it's the beginning of a long and emotional journey that extended beyond acceptance to her viable role a vocal advocate for gay and lesbian youth. Whether you've loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. Bobby's death feels sudden and early in the film, but so was his life. Prayers for Bobby is a true story based on the life of Bobby Griffith, a young man who from age 16 to 20 struggled with being gay while being raised in a devout upper middle-class Anglo-Saxon fundamentalist evangelical Christian family, before finally ending the struggle by allowing himself to fall off a bridge into the path of oncoming traffic, tragically ending his life in 1983. Bobby executed a sudden and effortless back flip and disappeared over the railing. She said Bobby’s death deprogrammed her pretty quick.” “Prayers for Bobby” marks Weaver’s first made-for-TV movie, but it won’t be her last. Prayers for Bobby shows the struggles that gay youth and their families can go through, whether that means failing or triumph. Executive producer Stanley M. Brooks, said, "It's our sincere hope this heart-wrenching true story will foster more tolerance and understanding for all people." An all-American boy.... and he was gay. Bobby Griffith. The role of Bobby Griffith has been played by Ryan Kelly and the role of Mary Griffith (bobby’s mother) is marvellously played by Sigourney Weaver. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books you've read. They've even got Harry Potter in the “bonus” section of the movie disk saying that homosexuals should “be proud of who you are.” If you are proud to be a homosexual, then you need to get saved my friend. Prayers For Bobby received 3.8 million total viewers during the film's January 24, 2009 premiere on Lifetime, with 2.3 million total viewers subsequently during the January 25, 2009 airdate. Prayers for Bobby: An Open Letter to Mormon Parents “He must have seen the large tractor trailer approaching from under the Couch Street overpass and timed the jump. This is what Hollywood can do so well when it wishes- to tell a great story, make people think and convey a thought provoking message - in this Enjoy a rich lineup of TV shows and movies included with your Prime membership. One of the most inspirational movies I've ever seen Prayers For Bobby it's a Good movie but sad. This book PRAYERS FOR BOBBY is about a a young adult named Bobby Griffith who was an all american guy, but who also happened to be gay, and his mother who has to come to terms with the suicide of her gay son. PRAYERS FOR BOBBY is a lie, a BIG LIE of the Devil. He reminds her of Bobby. Ed, Bobby, Joy. There's a scene in Prayers for Bobby where after Bobby's death, Mary Griffith is marching in the gay pride parade in San Francisco with PFLAG. In 1996, twelve years after Bobby's death, she was invited to address the Congress of the United States, establishing her as a major force in the fight for human rights. She spots a young man watching the parade with a grim look on his face. Prayers for Bobby is an emotionally and physically tiring film that entertains from start to finish. This movie not only touches on the issues of homosexuality but also on pushing religion to far on someone, suicide and coming to terms with who you are.