She was the last of her siblings to die; Emily and Anne died years before at the ages of 30 and 29, respectively.

bronte charlotte die did known answer might think simple fever epidemic typhus jail isnAt the Parsonage here the three sisters and a brother, lonely, close , often ill, worked on writing poetry and romantic fiction.

Culture > Books > Features The Brontës didn’t die from melancholy, weather or death wishes – they died from TB. Emily Brontë, author of Wuthering Heights was born in Thornton, near Bradford in Yorkshire. Emily resisted all help from doctors until just hours before her death. Emily Bronte: 1818-1848. The family moved to Haworth in April 1821. Soon after the publication of her novel, Emily’s health began to fail rapidly. At Haworth near Keighley, Emily lived, worked - and died at only 30 on December 19, 1848. Four months after her brother’s death on 19 December Emily Bronte died from complications aggravated from catching a cold at her brother’s funeral plus complications from tuberculosis. Emily's Wuthering Heights was published in 1847. Wuthering Heights, when published in December 1847, did not fare well; critics were hostile, calling it too savage, too animal-like, and clumsy in construction. It did not attract any attention. Emily bronte,Jane austen,charollete bronte The four greatest women novelists of the 19th century were: Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, Charlotte Bronte and George Eliot. Emily was the fifth child of Reverend Patrick Brontë and his wife, Maria Branwell Brontë. Only later did it come to be considered one of the finest novels in the English language. The sisters then decided to each write a novel and submit all three jointly to publishers.