They are unreasonable to the sound mind. 2. Tim Krahn , Novel Tech Ethics, Dalhousie University. Shannon wrote: "I just finished the book and am not sure whether Pat's mental illness/neural dysfunction was caused by the blow to the head when Nikki hit him? But how accurately does it portray mental illness, a major theme in the film? …in a mental institution in Silver Linings Playbook (2012). This is where the movie does a disservice to its audience and oversimplifies the complexity of mental illness and the path to recovery. His ability to blend his professional identity (Pat’s therapist) with his personal passion (Eagles football) was impressive and made a tremendous difference in Pat’s life. Were they merely using mental illness as a vehicle to bring comedy onto the scene? Romcom’s silver lining is its portrayal of mental illness ... Silver Linings Playbook is a refreshing departure from this pattern. This resource provides discussion questions about the film. Matthew Quick’s debut novel, The Silver Linings Playbook, was Our Reading Guide for The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick includes Book Club Discussion Questions, Book Reviews, Plot Summary-Synopsis and Author Bio. Active 4 years, 1 month ago. 'Silver Linings Playbook' is an award-winning 2012 movie about mental illness from director David O. Russell. The dramedy was directed by David O. Russell and costarred Jennifer Lawrence, both of whom became frequent collaborators. How much do you remember? His ability to blend his professional identity (Pat’s therapist) with his personal passion (Eagles football) was impressive and made a tremendous difference in Pat’s life. Alyssa Vine June 4, 2013. A common Holiday activity for many people is to catch a movie during an extended holiday weekend. The movie Silver Linings Playbook has been garnering critical acclaim and numerous award nominations. David O. Russell's Silver Linings Playbook stars Bradley Cooper as Pat, a bipolar man from Philadelphia who has spent the last eight months in a mental hospital. Readers’ questions about The Silver Linings Playbook. Tim Krahn , Novel Tech Ethics, Dalhousie University. I know he lost it when he saw her with the other guy..." Those are good Questions. This year I decided to use my holiday break to watch Silver Linings Playbook. The fact that he has lost track of time is really not far off from someone who has had mental illness either. 8 questions answered. Take the Quiz: Silver Linings Playbook. So, I guess she had at least one depressive episode. He is a former teacher who was recently released from a mental health facility after he was treated for Bipolar Disorder. His mother released him from the hospital after his minimum eight months. Pat moves in with his father (Robert De Niro), a lifelong Eagles fans who has low-level OCD issues.