Chapter I CHILDREN’S LITERATURE – AN OVERVIEW A survey of literature in the past threw into perspective that children’s literature appeared to have no place in it, and if at all a place, only a peripheral one. Children’s literature promotes the development of students’ internal imaginations. Children's literature or juvenile literature includes stories, books, magazines, and poems that are made for children. child. literary theory and children's literature £!$3*™ The Other: Orientalism, Colonialism, and Children's Literature by Perry Nodelman Child psychology and children's literature can be discussed and analyzed as the corporate institution for dealing with childhooc!—dealing with it by making statements about Freud proposed one of the best-known grand theories of child development. (review) One of the features that Nodelman identifies as typical of children's literature as a genre is its insistence on repetition and variation. The term children's literature criticism includes both generalist discussions of the relationship between children's literature and literary theory and literary analyses of a specific works of children's literature. Children are very impressionable during the formative years, and children’s literature can … Twentieth century discussions and studies prove that children’s literature, a fast developing field, has paralleled the rest of Children's literature can be traced to stories and songs, part of a wider oral tradition, that adults shared with children before publishing existed. Theory may not solve any of these problems directly, but it forces us to confront them. She writes: The transformation of critical theory over the last few de­ cades has meant that theory needs children’s literature. Some academics consider young adult literature to be included under the rubric of 'children's literature.'. One strand of this literature focuses on … The Journal of Children’s Literature, a refereed publication of the Children’s Literature Assembly of the National Council of Teachers of English, explores issues of current concern to scholars in the field of children’s literature, librarians, and classroom teachers—preschool through middle school. Theory Into Practice: Vol. article “Disdain or Ignorance? children's literature includes books, poems, and plays meant for children. They found that student response preferences ranged from more personal to more descriptive, interpretive, and evaluative (Purves & Rippere, 1968) and From another angle, critical theory and children's literature have an interesting relationship—for children's literature is an ideal testing ground. Abstract: This literature review examines the history and pertinent research on Autism, a brain development disorder characterized by social impairment, communication difficulties and ritualistic behavior, and Theory of Mind, the ability for one to impute mental states to the self and to others. The main objectives of this dissertation are to present a comprehensive picture of the state of affairs in the field of children’s literature, to analyse the situation and, also, 147-154. 3.2 Attachment Theory Attachment theory is rooted in the joint work of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth, whose research first documented the importance of the relationship that Children & Young Adult Literature. (1999). Approaches to learning: Literature review 2 Some of the sources were obtained through the snowballing method by checking the references lists of the existing sources. Children’s literature is of value because it fosters personality and social development. In terms of the most important challenges facing parents of a child with special needs or disability, they include offering a useful plan for their child's mental and emotional growth with suitable care and learning. Applying critical theories to children's literature. 38, Expanding the Worlds of Children's Literature, pp. This book argues that children's literature has an important role in the development of critical theory, especially in the areas of reader response and the effect of … EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES families are key to supporting healthy developmental outcomes and creating trusting partnerships with caregivers. The major impacts on the growth of such children, this is the part played by the government and its national policies. Children's literature is an expanding field of study, involving criticism, education, and psychology. While research has shown that children who imitate the actions of those around them during their first year of life are generally those who also learn to talk more quickly, there is also evidence 147-154. Children's books demonstrate repetition in a variety of ways: in plots, in recurring character types, in language, in patterns, and so on. Theories about Language Development The earliest theory about language development assumed that children acquire language through imitation. relationship to national and cultural identity in children’s literature and media.