Take the 5 Love Languages® quiz to discover your primary love language and begin improving your relationships. Dig in to get to know yourself better than you did yesterday. There are five results! In his book The 5 Love Languages, marriage counselor and author Gary Chapman argues that everybody communicates love in one of five ways. You love receiving gifts and this is not to say you are selfish. Hence why we have a big obsession with horoscopes here on the interwebs. Also this isn't just for romantic love, it applies to platonic love as well. Here's a test to find your Love Language! Have you ever tried to show love to your spouse but it backfired? This quiz aims to help you discover what your preferred love language is! You love to know that the people you care about have your back. These five love languages are: WORD OF AFFIRMATION. The Five Love Languages Quiz ""The Five Love Languages Quiz is a love test written by LJ - The Relationshp Coach - and based around the five love languages coined by Gary Chapman in The Five Love Languages. Take the 5 Love Languages ® official assessment to discover your love language and begin improving your relationships.. Take this quiz to find out of you prefer quality time or physical touch. What’s your love style? 6%. Start Quiz Find out… Your love language profile will explain your primary love language, what it means, and how you can use it to connect to others.. Join more than 15 million people who have already improved their relationships by discovering your love language. People willing to give their time to help you makes you feel loved. You really need to be hearing kind words from your partner. Many relationships have been saved just by learning about love languages. by Psychologies. Take This Color Test If You Want To Know Your Love Language. The quiz is designed to rank which love language is your preferred one and least preferred one. Maybe it's because the way you were showing love wasn't being spoken in their love language. Gary Chapman's Five Love Languages explains how you can communicate love in a way specific to your spouse. Dr. Gary Chapman coined the term “love languages” to explain how we express and receive love. Click here for support. Learn what your love language is by taking this free love language quiz. So the key to any romantic partnership is being able to speak your partner’s love language. In turn, you can share this with your partner or know what you are looking for in your next relationship in order to feel loved. Does your hands-on nature make you more compatible with the devoted Libra, or does your more enigmatic side bring you in alignment with a Gemini? These ways of expressing and receiving love are called love languages —there are five, and every individual has one they prefer above the others, and I refer to it as their primary love language. Let's find out. Discover your Love Language. Hearing the words, “I love you,” are really important— hearing the reasons behind that love sends you as high as to space. A love language is a way you feel most cared about. Take the test and find out. The categories are Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Quality Time, Acts of Service, or Gift Giving! What's Your Love Language? Take This Color Test If You Want To Know Your Love Language. But the love languages aren’t just for romance! The New York Times Well. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. These languages can change based on how you receive love or give love but usually stay consistent. You will discover your primary an secondary love languages. Everyone is different! You can discover a lot about yourself through answering the following questions about your personality, how you behave in relationships, and what you expect from your partner. Sections Home Search. When someone celebrates your birthday by giving you a gift, or even when someone gives you a gift just because it's Wednesday, it sends you over the moon! Take this quiz to find out of you prefer quality time or physical touch. People respond to different actions — such as loving words, gifts and time together —that make them feel most loved.