THE NEXT ICE AGE - NOW! Although I'm not 100% certain, I doubt very seriously that mammal competition could have undone the dinosaurs. . (Bad Mr. Shares. Archived. ... world/dinosaur-extinction.html ... killed the dinosaurs and the … Posted by. Many other animals also died out, including pterosaurs, large marine reptiles, and ammonites. What killed the dinosaurs? THE ICE AGE! But the dinos are still alive we just now call them birbs In Batman & Robin, Mr. Freeze thinks the Ice Age killed the dinosaurs—a bit of a suspect statement coming from a scientist, even if paleontology isn't his field. Freeze pun is bad pun.) 41. Learn about the mass extinction event 66 million years ago and the evidence for what ended the age of the dinosaurs. He is, of course, wrong . The meteor that killed the dinosaurs . Ice Age Theory Now and again, the earth cools into periods we call ice ages. Discover What Killed the Dinosaurs . New research suggests that reptiles that lived during the Dinosaur age … The ice age occurred millions of years after the dinosaurs went extinct. It was a meteor, and though an “impact winter” was among the lethal effects of the impact, it was too short-lived to be considered an ice age. best. Yah sure a lot of them are dead. Other methods of age determination are often less accurate or less useful in certain situations. Paleontologists have been studying fossil and rock formations for further evidence . For example, if large parts of the planet were covered in ice, then there would have been little or … Answer The Ice Age was after the dinosaurs became extinct Actually scientests know that there were infact many ice ages so some probebly happened before and during the dinosaur age … Answer The Ice Age was after the dinosaurs became extinct Actually scientests know that there were infact many ice ages so some probebly happened before and during the dinosaur age … News > Science Asteroid that killed the dinosaurs created endless night and 18-month winter as it rained fire. The ice age happend 10,000 years ago, and dinosaurs died out a few million years ago. They didn’t die out from the ice age. Dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. This thread is archived. Ice ages have occurred throughout Earth's history, with the last one ending about 10,000 years ago. 8 comments. Theories as to what wiped dinosaurs from the face of the planet range from super volcanoes through to asteroid impact and prehistoric climate change. Close. New rocky evidence has been emerging about the dinos’ final days This is an artist’s representation of what may have killed the dinosaurs – although he took some license in representing species that were not all alive at the same time. share. As dinosaurs were thought to be cold blooded, it would have been hard for them to cope with such cold conditions. Below the layer of iridium, paleontologists find a riot of thriving species in the fossil record; above the layer, more than 65% of all species disappear. THE ICE AGE! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. That, in turn, wiped out the dinosaurs and made way for the rise of mammals. . The opening narration for Night of the Comet states that the comet (which turns most animal life into red dust) last came close to Earth when the dinosaurs disappeared. By Tia Ghose 10 December 2012. So we don't know exactly when the dinosaurs went extinct, and matching events precisely to give a picture of what was happening at a specific moment in the Mesozoic is not easy. Any major climate change could presumably have killed the dinosaurs, whether it was caused by an impact, volcanism, or anything else. An Ice Age? A very severe ice age could have altered climates and froze waters to the extent that dinosaurs were unable to weather the conditions, and slowly died out. Sort by. Do scientist think the ice age killed the dinosaurs? As studies have shown, approximately 65 millions years ago a meteorite struck the earth causing a large dust cloud that lingered in the sky for years. and Why it Could Soon Kill Us : Web: BACK TO HOME PAGE. What killed the dinosaurs? Thus, the ultimate question of a gradual decline of dinosaurs vs. a sudden cataclysm is almost intractable without a wealth of good data. THE ICE AGE! Dinosaurs became extinct after the Cretaceous period. That is if you believe in evolution. 28 Mar 10 - German paleontologist Michael Prauss, who studied 65-million-year-old fossils in the Brazos River area of Texas, thinks long-term climate change, rather than a rogue asteroid, killed the dinosaurs.