Why does it matter? Learning how to read fast, or speed read, can be a useful skill if you are trying to get through a reading list quickly or go through a long text. 5 ways to read more books, blogs, and articles. Speed-reading champion Anne Jones read Go Set a Watchman in 25 mins A Huffington Post/YouGov poll from 2013 showed that number might be even higher: 28 percent of Americans haven’t read a book in the past year. There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a … Right after you read the introduction and subheadings, flip to the back of the chapter and read the summary. Can you feel the thrill of endless possibilities? We read calendars on our phones to keep track of our schedules. How to read faster and understand easily is what students are dying to know. No wonder speed reading is a huge business. (If they don't, then this really is a difficult book to understand!) Find a comfortable place to sit, make sure there's plenty of light, and open the front cover. But I like a good a challenge, so here are some strategies on how I would go about it. Some facts. The same Pew Research study found 19 percent of Americans don’t read any books. For starters, the average count for a page in a book is 250–300 depending upon its trim size, margins, and font size. Let’s hit the books and explore the following: If you read the last page of a Sherlock Holmes novel before you read the story, it’ll be lame. I understand these numbers may feel vague to you, so let’s take a look at the length of some books to help you see how fast you can read a book. Reason: The summary should re-state the points that were mentioned in the introduction. This reiteration of the main points may offer the material in more depth or from a different viewpoint. Reading is an inherent part of life, and discovering how to read faster and more efficiently can be a skill you carry forward into all spectrums of your life. My reading speed is considerably faster than average, but that is only because I’ve done so much of it over the years, not because of some innate superiority. If you know Bruce Willis is dead, don’t watch the 6th Sense. Read … 3. How to read a novel in 25 minutes... and still remember all the plot! Last Updated on February 21, 2020. How to Read Faster: 9 Steps to Increase Your Speed in 2020. As part of our series on reading, this guide dives into how to read a book using the classical framework provided by Mortimer Adler.. By the time you finish reading, you’ll have a framework for reading at different levels that you can apply right away. 1. A lot of students have asked me series of questions such as: How can I read faster? How can I […] Mystery novels stink when you read the back first, as do good thriller movies. Start at the beginning, which is usually the first chapter unless there's some front material, and read each page in order until the book is finished. There are probably thousands of books written on the subject. We read email at work to keep up-to-date with projects and meetings. Normally I would say that by understanding a book, you need to read it thoroughly.