This quiz is incomplete! 9. Political geography is the study of how humans have divided up the surface of the Earth for purposes of management and control. What are examples of changes that have occurred in the world as a result of devolution? C) Vietnam. If antagonism ceases, the buffer state loses its raison d'etre. Match. Antarctica. We'll see how history has influenced many of those, but all the while we will pay attent… If the answers is incorrect or not given, you can answer the above question in the comment box. The study of this impact is called human geography. The fate of Lebanon, an Eastern Mediterranean success story that turned into a nightmare, is the perfect illustration of the contradictory nature of many buffer states. A) Mongolia. Learn. Choose from 500 different sets of human geography vocab flashcards on Quizlet. However, at certain historical moments, the geopolitical stresses are so intense that no diplomatic talent can avert disaster. PLAY. The third condition for buffer state status has to do with capability distribution. Log in Sign up. Poland with Germany and Russia or Chicago with urban sprawl. A example of an compact state would be Poland. AP Human Geography AP Human Political Geography A real world example of a buffer state would be? A certain balance in the intensity of the antagonism is necessary. Contain several discontinuous pieces of territory. Naim 11:30 AP Human Political Geography. In Idaho, there are roughly equal concentrations in the northern and southern parts of the state. Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Report an issue; Host a game. The mountainous character offers undoubtedly a critical advantage to defense. B) the Roman Empire. 0. It is obvious that for this role it suffices to cover only the portion of the in between space in which the important crossroads or axes are situated. Thus, in addition to the role of the international environment, the capacity of the buffer state to preserve its status by mobilizing its own resources is also to be taken in consideration. C) Japan and D... A language that was nearly extinct in British-controlled areas but which is now being revived is a. English. Mongolia acts as a buffer state between Russia and China who have had border conflicts for centuries. A) Mongolia. Buffer States and Zones 58. unit_4_political_models.doc: … It provides essential course resources, as well as relevant information on the AP exam.AP Human Geography (National Geographic Education)National Geographic Education's page for AP Human Geography. Unitary State: Ap Human Geography Final Exam Study. In such a case, their role is to neutralize them by depriving both rival states from their military use. Sihanouk, the charismatic Cambodian leader, had realized that many years before the US and the South Vietnamese troops invaded his country and put an end to a history of buffer state status going back whole centuries. Primary tabs. Gravity. PLAY. Antarctica. The existence of buffer states may help to prevent dangerous conflicts between powerful countries. Earth's southernmost continent; world's largest land mass that is not claimed. Sometimes their buffer state status is determined from the outside, as a result of a power field that favors neutralization. Only $2.99/month. A buffer zone is a neutral zonal area that lies between two or more bodies of land, usually pertaining to countries.Depending on the type of buffer zone, it may serve to separate regions or conjoin them. B) France. border between B) periphery state. This AP Human Geography study guide will explore those forces that divide (centrifugal) or unify (centripetal) a country. Two classic examples are Italy, which completely surrounds San Marino and the Vatican, and South Africa… However, if the rivalry becomes too acute, it can also lead to the disappearance of the buffer status. The buffer system power field thus defined creates the possibility for buffer state neutrality through a series of strategic calculations from the part of the major actors, the surrounding antagonistic powers. On the other hand, there are cases where a combination of geographical conditions and human factors lead to the emergence of buffer state iconographies that can stabilize the influence of the external power fields and thus extend the life span of the buffer state. by jill_rueb_83781. Edit. STUDY. 0. However, that population is not spread out evenly across that territory. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. A) Mongolia. Spell. AP Human Geography . The European construction has thus saved the West European buffer states that had suffered during the previous centuries from the French–English and then the French–German rivalries. The alliance of the second strong state with the smaller, buffer state, would tip the balance of power again and make the operation of the takeover risky or even condemned to failure. Politically organized territory (permanent population, economy), (sovereign) government, recognized … Those situations, however, last as long as the conditions that created them. A. Buffer zones constitute therefore a gray area of political geography. More difficult for people in remote areas to integrate with rest of the state. legally adding land area to a city in the United States. APHG: Political Geography . Search » All » Geography » AP Human Geography ... views conflict is a A) core state. What is the difference between unitary and federal forms of government? AP Human Geography Ch. victornava777. The geographical condition seems paramount. Armed forces of either of the rival powers do not exist in the buffer area, and war often ensues when either or both of the powers try to invade the territory of the buffer state. We will define centrifugal and centripetal forces and how they can originate in political, economic or cultural dimensions. C) China. According to this reasoning, the power differential between each of the surrounding powers and the buffer state creates a favorable situation for the absorption of the buffer state in the zone of influence of either, as a result of diplomatic pressure or invasion. However, this separation may not be complete. The city state of Dubrovnik/Ragusa not only survived the tensions between the Ottoman Empire and its Latin enemies, but also founded its prosperity and its culture on its role as a hinge between the two Mediterranean realms because of the extraordinary diplomatic skills of its leaders. Buffer states are spaces in between, that have thus to cope with the instability of their geopolitical environment in order to survive as sovereign states. If the buffer state must be weak, the stronger states must have a comparable potential. Resources include instructional materials, encyclopedic entries, news articles, and multimedia maps/photos/videos.AP Human Geography Teacher CommunityThis site seeks to connect … In political geography, group which is frequently ethnic group, identification with a particular region of a state rather than with the state as a whole Reunification the act of coming together again ex: East and West Germany after the Cold War North and South Korea (possibly) Norther and … Learn human geography vocab with free interactive flashcards. Study political organization at three scales: Supranational (Organizations that transcends national boundaries) National (country) Subnational (states/local) Political Geography . B uf erS taA liv y smc ondw h between two larger powers. Save. The difficulties of Lebanon to survive as a buffer state between Syria and Israel, largely because of the internal divisions of its population, illustrate the geographical handicap of many buffer state territories. C) fragmented sta... A real world example of a buffer state would be? A perforated state is a state that completely surrounds another state. As situations of geographical in between, buffer states can be the 'loci' of extraordinary material and cultural wealth, but at the same time of terrible suffering and destruction. B) anocratic state. knd3518 . Practice. What is devolution? Before them, Germany, also a potential buffer state, shared the same fate. A buffer state is a relatively weak state lying between two or more antagonistic powers of comparable potential. A state which places most power in the hands of a central government is a(n). On the other hand, Belgium, during a long period a buffer zone between France and Germany, was and is a territory by itself. Leadership and diplomatic experience are also important factors. In fact, the land itself has a major impact on how the population has settled across it. Those areas were of little interest for human establishment and therefore remained for long periods on the margins of state formation. For a long time, human geography has maintained four principal divisions, including political, cultural, economic, and social. The motives of European states in establishing colonies can be summarized as all but which of the following? Answer: A. The hearth and spiritual center of Islam is at A. Baghdad B. Cairo C. Jakarta D. Mecca E. Jerusalem Answer: D. The motives of European states in establishing colonies can be summarized as all but which of the following? Ex. The buffer state must be in contact with the territory of the other powers and must separate them. E) Brazil. Gravity. Search. Thus, for example, Prussia in post Napoleonic Europe could hardly be considered as a buffer state between Russia and Austria, in spite of the fact that its location satisfied the geographical condition and that the two other powers did develop rivalries. Makes communication difficult. We will also discuss why these two forces are vital to the survival of the state. Share practice link. Common types of buffer zones are demilitarized zones, border zones and certain restrictive easement zones and green belts.Such zones may be comprised by a sovereign state, forming a buffer state. B) Australia and New Zealand. AP Human Geography Help » Political Organization of Space » Evolution of … In addition to contiguity, conditions of foreign policy orientation must be met. E) viable state. Write. Flashcards. If the buffer state must be weak, the stronger states must have a comparable potential. Play. Learn. D) United States. Learn. However, any effort in that direction would provoke the intervention of the other strong state for which such an evolution would constitute a threat. Thus, for example, Prussia in post Napoleonic Europe could hardly be considered as a buffer state between Russia and Austria, in spite of the fact that its location satisfied the geographical condition and that the two other powers did develop rivalries. Very often they include in their territories essential strategic resources, especially in the form of major circulation corridors and crossroads. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. View (active tab) Flashcards; Learn; Scatter; Printer Friendly. Thus, for example, the Cyprus buffer zone becomes a boundary if examined at the scale of Greek and Turkish spaces. ... Denmark is a good example of a nation-state because A) nearly all Danes speak Danish and live in Denmark. Stalin managed to take control of all of Eastern Europe, a possible buffer zone. The buffer state must be considerably weaker than the surrounding states. Later, the Vietnam conflict led to the disappearance of two more buffer states: Laos and Cambodia. Political spaces exist at multiple scales, from a kid’s bedroom to the entire planet. 59. Spell. Upgrade to remove ads. 5. Apartheid. C) Western Europe. Write. E) Brazil. A buffer state is an area lying between the borders of two powerful and potentially hostile powers. Thus, the Cold War, by diminishing the antagonisms inside each alliance through the discipline imposed by Washington and Moscow, by accentuating ideological rivalry around the international frontier dividing the two worlds, and also because of the balance of nuclear terror that made territorial arrangements more or less irrelevant, reduced the role of buffer states. Test. The first widespread use of the nation-state concept came in A) Mesopotamia. Home Embed All AP Human Geography Resources . B) a country. PLAY. STUDY. 4 Diagnostic Tests 225 Practice Tests Question of the Day Flashcards Learn by Concept. Test. Belgium and Korea, two historical buffer states ceased thus to function as such. From it's original position it spread into parts of Eastern Europe and downwards as well. Looking beyond the patterns on political maps helps us to understand the spatial outcomes of political processes and how political processes are themselves affected by spatial features. Log in Sign up. Created by. B) Egypt. Flashcards. AP Human Geography AP Human Political Geography Which of the following states is a buffer state between India and China? Which of the following states is a buffer state between India and China? Eastern Europe acted as a buffer zone between the Soviet Union and Western Europe after WWII 61. Naim 11:30 AP Human Political Geography A) Mongolia. During the late 1970s, when the US influence in Asia was at its lowest after the Vietnam debacle and the Iranian Revolution, the Soviet Union has had the opportunity to turn Afghanistan from a buffer state to a Soviet satellite. AP Human Geography Vocabulary Apartheid: a legal system that was the physical separation of different races into different geographic areas My definition: separation of people in South Africa based on race Example: There were apartheid laws in South Africa between around 1950 to 1994. buffer state. Another example of devolution is Spain. Gravity. AP Human Geography,, AP Human Geography ch 8 key issue 2 study guide by gabikim98 includes 41 examples of … Satellite States 62. If the answers is incorrect or not given, you can answer the above question in the comment box. Thus, geographical conditions that can be encountered in many buffer state situations do not determine in a predefined way the capacity of their population to defend their state. However, when this optimal situation is unattainable, the preservation of a buffer state status is preferable to its collapse which can lead to wars, civil wars, partition, foreign domination, etc. Thus, for example, the fact that France and Germany had a common boundary did not cancel the role of Belgium as a buffer state before 1914 and between the two world wars. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Create. C) ethnic iden... A state which places most power in the hands of a central government is a(n) A) federal state. History. A) guilt B) gold C) glo... A nation or nationality is A) a group of people tied to a place through legal status and tradition. AP Human Geography (College Board)This is the AP Human Geography home page as maintained by the College Board. Match. The extraordinary stability of Switzerland as a European buffer state is based on a strong Swiss iconography that has been able to overcome the geographical and cultural diversity of this country and to create a determination to defend it that has gained the respect of all European powers. 8 Political Geography. The paradigmatic case of Afghanistan perfectly illustrates this situation. Therefore, the foreign policy orientation condition cannot be reduced to the rivalry of the surrounding states. AP Human Geography Unit 4 Review DRAFT. Ap Human Geography Unit 4 Vocabulary. It is difficult to say if and when those conditions favor resistance to outside intervention. Edit. B) Nepal. The powers surrounding the buffer state are usually two, however, in rare cases they can be more, like in the case of Poland before its partition at the end of the eighteenth century (Austria, Prussia, Russia). Homework. Flashcards. Legally adding land area to a city in the United States, or legally adding land area to a country in the world. Those surrounding states must be in rivalry. Buffer states do not have as unique function to constitute a cushion between rival states. Centrifugal forces f o rces th a ndiv u y. A state in which the distance from the center to any boundary doesn’t vary significantly. A example of an compact state would be Poland democratization The process where from APHG 7227S2 at Fossil Ridge High School. What are some impacts of colonialism on the world political stage? However, this situation is inherently instable, since the balance between the surrounding powers can fluctuate, creating windows of opportunity for the one or the other powers to intervene and abolish the state's sovereignty. STUDY. Created by. Among the world's largest multinational states are, A language that was nearly extinct in British-controlled areas but which is now being revived is, Denmark is a good example of a nation-state because, The first widespread use of the nation-state concept came in, Political unity in the ancient Mediterranean world reached its height in, The average number of births women bear in their lifetimes is, The hearth and spiritual center of Islam is at. Chapter 4: Geography,Political Geography Vocabulary of AP Human Geography Barron's Book, 2012 4th Edition . 10th - 12th grade . Test. a year ago. C) fragmented state. Before that, and in spite of the use of the term buffer state for Afghanistan already in 1883, both powers were trying to monopolize the whole area. Browse. By interpreting this map, we surmise that in the African American population . The buffer system power field thus defined creates the possibility for buffer state … The Soviet Union was in an opportune position after the defeat of Nazi Germany since it allowed easy spread into East Europe. This capacity is related to the geographical conditions often encountered in buffer states territories. D) buffer state. In this lesson, we're going to take a look at how human geography has an impact on settlement patterns in North America. 60. Russia has always been a good example of this theory since it happens to be right on top of the Heartland. However, the cultural mix and the crossroads function can constitute elements of weakness by facilitating external influences and by promoting centrifugal forces. Start studying Ap Human Geography Chapter 8 Vocab. c. Iranian. 2 types: those separated by water, and those separated by other countries. Match. AP Human Geography - Political Organization of Space (Unit 4) Flashcards. A real world example of a buffer state would be? At the beginning of the Cold War, the tension between the US and the Soviet Union was such that many preexisting or potential buffer states were exposed to efforts for unilateral control, that often ended in solutions in the form of partition. B. bubblesandbuttercup . Fragmented States . A buffer state is a state located between two larger conflicting countries. 4. A real world example of a buffer state would be? Spell. C ol ni asm Th ex pd r tu f empire 7. AP Human Geography: Political Geography questionAntecedent Boundary answerA boundary that was drawn across an area prior to the area becoming substantially-populated (e.g. D. A real world example of a buffer state would be? What is the history of the modern state idea? AP Human Geography Chapter 8 Political Geography. Examples of Irredentism • Garibaldi and the unification of Italy • Attempts by the Somali Republic to incorporate the Ogaden • MiitifSihShMoroccan acquisition of Spanish Sahara • Efforts by the Third Reich to expand Germany’s borders so as to encompass all German-speaking peoples in Europe. Such areas are very often crossroads of important axes of circulation and, because of their intermediary geographical location, are inhabited by mixed populations whose cultural geography expresses the transition from one realm to another. Spain's constitution establishes a state of autonomies for its diverse regions. AP Human Geography - Political Chapter 8 DRAFT 9th - University grade What are the three sources of devolution? A.. Many buffer states developed in difficult natural environments, very often in mountainous areas. C) the Roman Empire. This concept is the study of how the human evolution of our culture has affected environmental processes and systems. A Vocabulary List for AP Human Geography Martha Sharma Retired teacher Hilton Head, South Carolina Unit IV. Created by. C) China. A buffer state is sometimes a mutually agreed upon area lying between two greater powers, which is demilitarized in the sense of not hosting the military of either power (though it will usually have its own military forces). Shapes of States . Still, the existence of a buffer state may allow for the rival countries to solve their problems through peaceful negotiations and diplomatic actions instead of engaging in d… On the other hand, in spite of cultural and geographical fragmentation, the Afghans united again and again against external challenges, making thus efficient use of the defensive character of their terrain. D) United States. Ideally for a buffer state, the antagonism of the surrounding states would vanish and therefore the danger of becoming an arena of confrontation disappear. b. Pictish. Although, by definition, a buffer state cannot be as strong as the surrounding states, the more it is capable of resisting challenges to its sovereignty, the more it can contribute in stabilizing the power equation. Political unity in the ancient Mediterranean world reached its height in A) the Fertile Crescent. Buffer Zones as Peripheries of Territories, Tensions and Complementarities between the Green and Brown Agendas, An Evaluation of the Recommendations of the Brandt Commission, The Principal Recommendations of the Brandt Commission, Membership of the Commission and the Schedule of Meetings. Terms : Hide Images. Write. C en trip al forces f o rces th a nd uib y together 6. If the answers is incorrect or not given, you can answer the above question in the comment box. Finish Editing. Terms in this set (80) Annexation. unit_4_key_terms.docx: File Size: 12 kb: File Type: docx: Download File. As you may know, North America is the third largest continent and has the fourth largest population. In Illinois, nearly all are distributed in the southern part of the state. This triangular situation puts the power challenging the buffer state at a disadvantage, creating thus the necessary dissuasion and securing the buffer state's independence. With the gradual expansion of the surrounding states however, their peripheries met, creating buffer conditions at their intersection. Among the world's largest multinational states are A) Russia and the United States. A buffer state is a country lying between two rival or potentially hostile greater powers.Its existence can sometimes be thought to prevent conflict between them. CREATE AN ACCOUNT Create Tests & Flashcards. Example Questions . AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Unit 7: POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY (Ch.8) The study of human political organization of the earth. The geographical factor comes again in the foreground. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (97) Annexation. Korea and then Vietnam have been divided into two and became areas of East–West confrontation. B) France. Read these flashcards and learn about human geography and take the quiz to see what you learned. 79% average accuracy. Live Game Live. AP Human Geography : Nation-State Study concepts, example questions & explanations for AP Human Geography. Solo Practice. Start studying Ap Human Geography Unit 4. Thus when one of the surrounding states weakens, a relatively strong buffer state might be able to compensate the disequilibrium by mobilizing its own forces. In fact, it is only in 1907, when Russia and England felt that they needed to water down their rivalry in Asia in order to cope with the new geopolitical challenges arising in Central Europe, that a compromise was found which consolidated the buffer state role of Afghanistan. Played 104 times. At each location, somebody or some group seeks to establish the rules governing what happens in that space, h… Take a look at the Soviet Union. Mr. Belan's Class 2013. a state may break up into smaller countries 3. AP Human Geography Unit 1: Thinking Geographically Unit 2: Population & Migration Unit 3: Culture Unit 4: Political Geography Unit 5: Agricultural Geography Unit 6: Urban Geography Unit 7: Economic & Industrial Geography Exam Review Materials political geography Documents Notes. As a result of a central government is a relatively weak state between! May know, North America is the history of the following states is relatively... Crossroads function can constitute elements of weakness by facilitating external influences and promoting! Divided into two and became areas of East–West confrontation ceased thus to function as such people remote! In which the distance from the outside, as a buffer state must be met pd r tu f 7... 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