1. … Latest Singapore news: Breaking news, top stories on courts, crime, housing, property, health, transport, jobs and education on CNA, as well as videos and features. I think it could really give a lot of children good advice and help them cope with this big change in their lives and among their families. A great idea but in the very beginning of the book the dinosaurs are holding liquor bottles and talking about the different reasons that dinosaurs divorce and it sends an odd message. Dinosaurs Activities There was even one page about a mom drinking alcohol to cope. Rather, Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide for Changning Families, is a book that serves more so as, like the title explains, a guide for children whose parents are going through a divorce. Free Dinosaurs Teaching Ideas @ Other Sites. It also helps that the story is conveyed through dinosaurs, letting children know that even dinosaurs divorce. Dinosaur characters discuss the subject of divorce in a way that very young children can understand, dealing with such specific issues as why parents divorce and living in two homes. Helps explain divorce in a friendly and easy-to-understand manner. : A Guide for Changing Families (Dino Life Guides) by Marc Brown (ISBN: 9780316112482) from Amazon's Book Store. This companion to Speaking of Divorce is for kids ages 7–12. Rather, Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide for Changning Families, is a book that serves more so as, like the title explains, a guide for children whose parents are going through a divorce. Get this from a library! Overall, the book emphasizes love and the love parents have for their children despite getting a divorce. Dinosaurs Unit Journal topics, center ideas, literacy activities, book making ideas, and more! Cynthia MacGregor, $22.95 (ages 12 & up) The popular author of The Divorce Helpbook for Kids is back with an all-new resource for teenagers in divorced and divorcing families. Overall, the book emphasizes love and the love parents have for their children despite getting a divorce. Kids books about divorce. Ages 4-8. Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide for Changing Families (Dino Life Guides for Families Series) 4.2 out of 5 based on 0 ratings. Amazon.in - Buy Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide for Changing Families book online at best prices in India on Amazon.in. Bunting's writing brings to light the emotional impact of divorce on members of the extended family and speaks to our children's deep ability to cope when they're embraced with love. I feel like there are several other children's books about divorce that handle the topic a little better. Friendly dinosaur characters introduce concepts of divorce in terminology that children can understand … Here readers will be reassured that just as the little dinosaurs survive divorce, so … 2. In a simple question-and-answer format [Laurene Krasny Brown; Marc Tolon Brown] -- Text and illustrations of dinosaur characters introduce aspects of divorce such as its causes and effects, living with a single parent, spending holidays in … I Don’t Want to Talk About It by Jeanie Franz Ransom, illustrated by Kathryn Kunz Finney (Magination Press, 2000). Buy a discounted Paperback of Dinosaurs Divorce online from Australia's leading online bookstore. Booktopia has Dinosaurs Divorce, A Guide for Changing Families by Laurie Krasny Brown. Dinosaurs divorce : a guide for changing families. A lot of this book was about the parents fighting and or the parents yelling at the kid. Dinosaurs Divorce (A Guide for Changing Families) Marc Brown, Laurie Krasny Brown Dinosaurs Divorce (A Guide for Changing Families) Marc Brown, Laurie Krasny Brown Dinosaurs Divorce Will Help you Understand: * Divorce Words and What They Mean * Why Parents Divorce * What About You?