2. 1. Without them, we would not and could not exist in business. Inseparability 5. Customer service is an integral part of our job and should not be seen as an external extension of it.A company’s most vital asset is its customers. Intangibility 4. What essentials are required to create great customer experiences which lead to maximum customer … When you satisfy your customers, they not only help you grow by continuing to do business with you but they will also recommend you to friends and associates. It’s the same in customer service. In order to be successful at any endeavor, one has to identify the essentials required to accomplish that feat. A happy customer will return often and is likely to spend more. 4 Characteristics of Quality Customer Service It’s not about Customer Service, It’s about Customer Empathy We bought a new HD television several months ago. Our cable company swapped me for a new decoder and I thought I was ready. Customer service management Improve customer experience Customer Service Qualities Perfection doesn’t exist—but some people just happen to possess the skills and characteristics that make them more suited for the role of customer support agent, while others only have the job traits of a good employee. Provide your users with service choices. I couldn't wait to hook it up and watch the clear picture and special programming. Perishability 2. Naturally, when the customer is happy with your service, he will stick back with your brand and will not shift to competitors. Customer service is an integral part of our job and should not be seen as an external extension of it.A company’s most vital asset is its customers. Consulting. When hiring customer service professionals, look for candidates who are good at time management planning and use their time much more … To ensure you provide the best customer service: 1. admin. Perishability: Service is highly perishable and time element has great significance in service marketing. June 3, 2013 . It’s the same in customer service. 4 Characteristics of Quality Customer Service It’s not about Customer Service, It’s about Customer Empathy We bought a new HD television several months ago. Without them, we would not and could not exist in business. Some of the important characteristics of services are as follows: 1. Heterogeneity 6. Customer satisfaction in business: a case study of Moon Travel Ltd, Finland. Errol Allen Consulting > Blog > Consulting > 6 Characteristics of Great Customer Service. In this article, we will take a look at ten common characteristics of bad customer service with the purpose of showing alternatives that would serve customers much more efficiently and positively. Service quality is not statistically measurable. If we think of companies as armies in a fight over customers, then we can see customer service as the frontline of their operations.