Special education is full of data and goals; “extras” such as fine or performing arts often fall by the wayside in the drive to achieve those goals. The importance of education can never be stressed enough, no matter the person or situation. Children: Children learn many subjects and many life skills through their education at school. It gives guidance to schools and local authorities to help identify, asses and provide help for children with special educational needs. Only at TermPaperWarehouse.com" As stated by the famous novelist Victor Hugo, “He who opens a school door, closes a prison”. Classroom College Words: 923 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 13902432. The changes within Special Educational Needs (SEN) have developed more in the last 25 years than any other area of education. This is something extremely important. The importance of special education cannot be overstated; kids with special needs can grow up to be fully functioning, productive, and happy members of society. The Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice (2001) is a piece of legislation issued by the Department of Education to any government funded organisation. Importance of Education Essay (150 words): Education is fundamentally a valuable asset for humans. But more and more teachers, therapists and organizations are recognizing the fact that some students learn most effectively through the arts. Importance Of Education. The Importance Of A Special Education Teacher Essay - Initially the special education teacher needs to collaborate with the gifted teacher to create a comfortable environment within the classroom setting to show John is a valuable member of the class. Education is an essential to everyone and provides not only knowledge but also enlightenment, wisdom, and character. Or they can fall through the cracks. Importance Of Education. The main qualification of a special education student is a 16 point discrepancy between an ability test (IQ) and achievement test. It is the responsibility of the generations before theirs, the adults in this world, to see that that happens. Students’ needs are changing. Essays about importance of education. Or they can fall through the cracks. Essay The Importance Of A Special Education Teacher Alicia Martin and she is a Special Education Teacher at Crestwood High School in Cresco, Iowa. It could be argued the importance of special education really rests on four basic pillars. Read this essay on Philosophy of Special Education. Get the knowledge you need in order to pass your classes and more. The importance of special education cannot be overstated; kids with special needs can grow up to be fully functioning, productive, and happy members of society. The topic appears deceptively easy. All children have the possibility of a bright future ahead of them. All children should have an enjoyment of learning not a fear of it. The relevance of special education to the teacher can be viewed from the following perspectives: Special education will help teachers to appreciate the importance of individual differences, knowing that all learners do not develop at the same level and are not likely to learn the same things at the same time. Education is an essential to everyone and provides not only knowledge but also enlightenment, wisdom, and character. Education empowers one and all to achieve one’s life goals. In most schools and colleges across the country, special educations are sometimes provided at no cost to those students who are qualified and are … In 2014-2015, the number of students ages 3-21 receiving special education services in the US rose to 6.6 million — that’s 13 percent of all public school students, and several hundred thousand more students requiring special services than did in 2012-2013. Whilst these students will always face learning challenges, they now have greater options for and input into the learning alternatives that most effectively address their needs. I found questions to … Education is the most important tool in today’s modern world. The Importance Of A Special Education Teacher Essay - Initially the special education teacher needs to collaborate with the gifted teacher to create a comfortable environment within the classroom setting to show John is a valuable member of the class. The importance of education can never be stressed enough, no matter the person or situation. Let’s meet them head on.