Start studying Attraction. With respect to the fundamental attribution error, it turns out that in other cultures, like those of Asia, there’s a/an _____ orientation to others that emphasizes interdependence. ... Companionate love usually lasts longer than passionate love. attachment styles. According to the Triangular Theory of Love developed by Robert Sternberg Companionate love is intimate and non-passionate love and there is a long-term commitment between the couple. Which of the 7 Types of Love Relationships Fits Yours? Ask your question. Companionate love may not necessarily be marked by wild passion, excitement, or obsessive thoughts that are seen in passionate love. 1. T. Example of leaders with high emotional intelligence - 5246332 1. Cultures and societies define norms and standards for what constitutes a socially acceptable relationship. Companionate Love. companionate love. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. the feelings of intimacy and affection we have for someone that are not accompanied by passion or physiological arousal. Whereas companionate love is based more on a friendship, having common interests, having trust in each other; lasting love. Reciprocal liking is the degree to which people return the like or love that they receive. However, this compassionate form of love does include feelings of tenderness, a strong bond, friendship, and enjoyment of the other's company. t. William meets Kate. Companionate love includes both intimacy and commitment but passion is not included in companionate love. There is deep affection and commitment. 1) One key ingredient of companionate love is equity -both partners receive in proportion to what they give. Which is an example of companionate love? The following passage is an example of what type of text structure tornados are caused by unstable air interacting with the wind sheer the resulting formation can cause devastating effects. Compassionate love is when two people first fall in love, they often have an intense passion for each other; they want to touch all the time, kiss all the time, and have very absorbing feelings, like "floating on a cloud". Which is an example of companionate love? It is very stronger than any other love because of the addition of the commitment. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service.You can view samples of our professional work here.. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Essays. A) Adrian loves animals and volunteers every week at the animal center. C) Gabriella and Peter met at a party last week and have been inseparable since then. Children who are different from others. Log in Join now 1. For example companionate love is much better and longer lasting. They have similar facial features. It is a kind of love that includes a very deep commitment to one another. a couple married 30 years. Research has shown that expressing like or love to another is likely to elicit reciprocal feelings. Posted Aug 17, 2013 t. Reciprocal liking is adaptive because it lowers the risk of relationship rejection. Which of the following relationships is most likely to be classified as an example of companionate love? The last factor is reciprocal liking. In order to understand the companionate love first, we need to understand the triangular theory of love. Research has shown that a high degree of similarity is a key factor in measures of attraction. Mycorrhizae is an example of : (a) ectoparasite (b) endoparasite (c) decomposers (d) symbiosis Ask for details ; Follow Report by Medhathakur9529 12.01.2019 Log in to add a comment What do you need to know? B. Anil and Gerard have been best friends since their kindergarten days. passionate love. Which of the following relationships is most likely to be classified as an example of companionate love? Individuals will obey authority to the point of potentially causing serious harm to another person . A. Adrian loves animals and volunteers every week at the animal center.