stew cat tycoon chinese poisoned eating dies foodHe receives surgery on his eyes and his vision is restored.

2. We need you to answer this question! Create. Timothy dies protecting Phillip and Stew Cat well the storm. Who played stew cat in the book The Cay? The cay is hit by a terrible tempest, or tropical storm. More like an explosion or a series of explosions. He reminisces about visiting the cay one day. The cast of characters in The Cay is short, so we would be remiss not to mention the beloved Stew Cat. Start studying the cay. We need you to answer this question! Why is stew cat important of The Cay? Unanswered Questions. A boat arrives to rescue Phillip and Stew Cat, and they get on a plane home. He is left with only Stew Cat. The Cay, Battle in the Arctic Seas, Walking Up a Rainbow, The Maldonado Miracle, The Trouble with Tuck, Tuck Triumphant, and the Teetoncey Trilogy; Subjects. made a sound like a rifle shot. 36. TKAM chapter 6-10 20 Terms. Phillip is reunited on the plane with his mother and father. 1. MaddieS120. Roll of thunder chapter 7-12 74 Terms. To Timothy, the creature is just an animal who happens to be with them, but to Phillip, Stew Cat is a much-needed companion. He receives surgery on his eyes and his vision is restored. After a hurricane hits the cay and Timothy dies from "being tired", Phillip, devastated, digs a small grave for him. rmacy TEACHER. Theodore Taylor 35. What happens to Timothy after the storm? In an attempt to get rid of the "jumbi," Timothy takes Stew Cat and puts him on a raft anchored just offshore. rmacy TEACHER. Search. Get an answer for 'Where did Timothy hide Stew Cat while he was killing the jumbi in The Cay by Theodore Taylor?' Get an answer for 'Describe the relationship between Stew Cat and Timothy in "The Cay".' In the flooding from the storm, Timothy dies, “from being tired.” Phillip is emotionally devastated, and buries Timothy in a shallow grave. ikaelin. Ibentorhaug. Phillip is then rescued by a navy vessel and one year after he and Timothy find the island, he has many surgeries to get his sight back. Shortly after, the cay is hit by a tremendous hurricane. Stew cat was missing and he thought Timothy might have him. Is Johnny sins die. It was a heavy sound, hard and sharp, not rolling. Why is stew cat important of The Cay? Well, the friendly cat offers Phillip companionship and … Timothy thinks that Stew Cat was possessed by the jumbi (evil spirits) 37. After Timothy's death, Phillip realized that the old man had been. In the flooding from the storm, Timothy dies, “from being tired.” Phillip is emotionally devastated, and buries Timothy in a shallow grave. As a castaway, he becomes a part of Timothy and Phillip's small family on the cay. The Cay … Shortly after, the cay is hit by a tremendous hurricane.