How can you tell ? - Ultramarine is transparent; Cobalt is semi-transparent. I'd pick cobalt over cerulean which is warm and chalky. Phthalocyanine blue is very warm, a strong rich dark blue. I also added comparisons with other brands of the same colour or the same pigment. Refreshing. Here's my page on Ultramarine blue - my favourite blue. After I wrote the post comparing Ultramarine to Cobalt, I've had several people ask, "What about Phthalo blue?" Cobalt blue is a nice cool blue. “vroom,” by Mark Kevin Gonzales, oil on linen mounted on board, 5 x 5 in. Prussian blue is a color that was supposedly impermanent, however the manufacturers mark it as permanent. The two colors are very similar, but it just is not possible to accurately imitate the true Cobalt Blue pigment. She believes that is because instead of using the traditional color wheel, more people today use the color spectrum, which is the conversion of the … Ultramarine blue is cool. June 14, 2012 June 14, 2019 ~ cavepainter. Phthalo blue (aka Thalo blue) is an abbreviated name for paints made with the pigment Phthalocyanine Blue, or PB15. Ultramarine is my warmer blue and cobalt my cooler blue. Ultramarine, Lapis, Indigo, and Indanthrone Blue Charts September 8, 2014 June 14, 2019 ~ cavepainter A while back I had posted this chart on a forum in response to a question about what these blue paints looked like compared to each other. Ultramarine blue is cool. The disadvantage of ultramarine blue over phthalo blue, though, is that it doesn't make as deep of a dark shade on its own. If you don't want to read… Rafael reserved ultramarine for his final coat, preferring for his base layers a common azurite; Vermeer was less parsimonious in his application and proceeded to mire his family in debt. Phthalocyanine blue is very warm, a strong rich dark blue. Sweet, the lovely enchantment of paintings in blue! “vroom,” by Mark Kevin Gonzales, oil on linen mounted on board, 5 x 5 in. And almost all of those who said ultramarine blue is warm say there is red in it, so they have a red bias. If we mapped each color on the color wheel, we’d see that ultramarine tilts toward the violet side of the wheel, while phthalo shift toward the green side. ... of that I used mostly ultramarine and a little bit of the turquoise and immediately thought how similar it looked to cobalt blue (PB28), a much more expensive paint than ultramarine. Cobalt Blue and Cobalt Blue Hue. Crystal clear and calming. I'll start out with samples of a few varieties, tell some brief history, and then show what I mixed with them. “The ‘coolest’ spot on the color wheel is a middle blue (i.e., cobalt blue),” Gellatly asserts. Blue Ultramarine Ultramarine, which means "beyond the sea," was originally made with lapis lazuli, among other ingredients. Ultramarine Blue Watercolor Ultramarine Blue is a warm blue containing traces of red. Prussian is a weaker and warmer version of phthalo. - Ultramarine is typically warmer; Cobalt tends to be cooler. When I use phthalo, it seems all it takes a little pin drop and, all of a sudden, you have this really rich blue, which can be lovely, but sometimes you don't want something that bright. Prussian blue is a very dark almost black, blue color. Since you already have cool ultramarine, I'd pick pthalo blue. Now, in 2019, we are thrilled to be re-launching this special blue colour as a permanent part of our range. A blue warmer than a yellow! Side by side, ultramarine blue (left) is very different than phthalo blue (right). I got out a tube of Winsor & Newton cobalt and put that above it. It was a pigment so expensive that it was reserved for the most holy of subjects, such as the raiment of the Virgin Mary, etc. Let's dive into the mysteries of blue paints: Ultramarine, cerulean, cobalt teal blue, indanthrone, prussian, cobalt, phalo and manganese. It was a pigment so expensive that it was reserved for the most holy of subjects, such as the raiment of the Virgin Mary, etc. The second example shows the same method used with Cobalt Blue.