Weekly status report template is downloadable here free of cost. Anything less frequent (like monthly) and your project loses visibility. So, to get started, while there are tons of different uses for a weekly status … It can be sent via email or can be submitted by hand. It … Maintaining the example of the oil distributor, here is a sample body to report national sales volumes. When you are in a project completion or in a task, you must have a status report templates to be able to show to your superiors the progress you have done in your work. January 21st 2018. Learn the key elements, what to avoid, and use our status report template to quickly create your own weekly status report. By updating the slide during the week, you can quickly finish it on a Friday afternoon and enjoy the weekend. The outlook status update templates are free to download & help you communicate the project status and make the project team and stakeholders aware of the status. I remember the first time I had to write one of these puppies. Maintaining the example of the oil distributor, here is a sample body to report national sales volumes. The weekly report is important to track the important project issues, accomplishments of the projects, pending work and Milestone Analysis. There are pre-structured report formats for some companies, and there are printable templates of the weekly report. With this template you can quickly create a simple short weekly status report. Put the most important information in a summary at the start of the report. If your company or business has no standard format or layout to set up weekly status reports, you can download ready to use weekly status report template over here. If you’ve never been a manager before or never written a weekly report to your boss, I hope this explanation will be a helpful resource. Weekly Company Status Report Example. Here I am going to give some tips. The status report that we use consists of just 4 sections: completed tasks, in-progress tasks, planned tasks, and blocking issues. How to use your free project status report template. How to write an effective status report of your Weekly Work at the end of each week?. Employee weekly status report. The Importance of a Weekly Status Report. Re: October 2017 Oil Sales. They usually email me … Dear Roger, I … Project Status Update Email Sample provides 6 templates which allows project managers to send email updates. Check out this sample for weekly status report Given the amount of time and work involved in such process, it pays to consider whether you’re making the most out of the whole process. Learn the best practices for the weekly status reports in project management and get a simple template you can use directly in an email. On the heels of our previous post (Making a status report with Priority Matrix), I just wanted to talk about different formats that you might use for an employee weekly status report template.We’ve compiled a few templates from other sources below.