Mona Lisa (also known as La Gioconda or La Joconde) is a 16th-century portrait painted in oil by Leonardo da Vinci during the Renaissance in Florence, Italy.Many people think Mona Lisa's smile is mysterious. And we’re not talking about a self-portrait of the artist, as you may think. And we’re not talking about a self-portrait of the artist, as you may think. We need you to answer this question! by Dea Martin (originally published in the Philadelphia Weekly Press). A king paid a fortune for her. Florence, Italy, on shadowed, smelly and eerily silent Via Squazza: Not a spot frequented by tourists, and, in fact, my tiny tour group makes up the only people on this narrow street. Millions trek to the Louvre to see her image. A genius immortalized her. Mona Lisa, La Gioconda from Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, was a real person. Though Leonardo da Vinci began the famous portrait in Florence, Italy, he probably continued working on it until his death in Amboise, France, at the court of François I. … Continue reading → Best-selling author Dianne … Mona Lisa was a real Florentine woman, born and raised in Florence under the name of Lisa Gherardini. Poets lauded her. Amid a galaxy of artistic stars, none outshone Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), who began Lisa's portrait around 1503. Dianne Hales (with Franca Riccardi above) came to Philadelphia this past September under the auspices of the America-Italy Society to share the academic sleuthing she did for her new book, Mona Lisa: A Life Discovered (Simon and Schuster). The Mona Lisa is quite possibly the most well-known piece of painted artwork in the entire world. Her husband was a very wealthy silk merchant. Some even believe that the painting is of Leonardo’s male apprentice and rumoured lover Salai. But if this door could talk, it would tell you that it was the first home to Lisa Gherardini, born June 15, 1479. Mona Lisa is the same in any language The Mona Lisa is known as La Gioconda to the Italians. No, the Vatican is NOT the location of the Mona Lisa. It is so often studied, recognized, and copied that it is the most famous painting . No face has ever captivated so many for so long, but who was the real woman in Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic portrait? It was painted by the Leonardo da Vinci in the early 16th century and was commissioned by Francesco Del Giocondo. Where was Mona Lisa live? It is a derivative of her name Lisa del Giocondo. It appears, however, that a recent find in Florence might finally shed some light on the mystery of The Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa's life spanned the most tumultuous chapters in the history of Florence, decades of war, rebellion, invasion, siege -- and of the greatest artistic outpouring the world has ever seen. Mona Lisa was a real Florentine woman, born and raised in Florence under the name of Lisa Gherardini. The Mona Lisa has a secure place in the Louvre (museum) in Paris, France. Mona Lisa, La Gioconda from Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, was a real person. Leonardo begins painting the Mona Lisa, which he will work on for four years (according to Leonardo da Vinci's biographer, Giorgio Vasari.) The subject of the painting is his wife, Lisa, who was born to a well-known family from Tuscany. Born in Dumenza , Varese , Italy, he died in Saint-Maur-des-Fossés , France. Vincenzo Peruggia (October 8,1881 – October 8, 1925) was an Italian thief, most famous for stealing the Mona Lisa on 21 August 1911. According to another, the Mona Lisa smile should be attributed to an unknown Spanish courtesan. The work was commissioned to … The original "Mona Lisa" is located in the Louvre Museum in Paris.