The idea of cutting dairy, sugar, grains, beans, alcohol, and processed goods from your diet can feel a bit… suffocating. The Whole30 is a 30 day plan for eating only food that is void of grains, sugars, legumes, soy, dairy and alcohol. After 30 days, I just couldn’t stop! When I started the vegetarian Whole30 plan, I was hoping to kick-start my commitment to a healthier relationship with food. I was searching for freedom from a debilitating food addiction, but I had NO idea what an epic, life-changing program it would be for me. If you’d rather proceed with your version of the Whole30 using vegetarian or vegan preferences as a framework, we have two options available to you: the general guidelines as outlined in The Whole30 (for vegetarians), or a fully detailed Vegan Reset outlined in … Granted, this a big change from how most of us regularly eat, but I’m often surprised to find how freeing the Whole30 process feels. Vegetarian and Vegan Resets. Whole 30 Week 1 Meal … 4 week Whole30 meal plan, complete with grocery list, 48 original recipes, meal prep tips, and more to help you eat well, lose weight, and reset your body!