And, of course, plenty of drinks (hot ones, that is — most of my family is teetotal). But, this year will be a little different. Relaxation. But, have you ever thought to yourself, “Why do we give gifts at Christmas?” In some ways, the tradition of giving gifts at Christmas is a very ancient tradition. Giving gifts on Occasions like Christmas, New Year, Easter, Valentine's Day, Birthday and Wedding is becoming an expected ritual now. Here's Why You Should Stop Buying Christmas Presents. There are many reasons why people buy or give gifts. The National Retail Federation found that people buy gifts for friends, co-workers, and for pets and babysitters ... why don't we get back to the basics and just give presents to children and people we see often and know well? Christmas Gift may also refer to: . When the girls were younger, they'd feel sorry for us for because we didn't have gifts to open on Christmas. Each of us carries within ourselves a set of rules about gift-giving. Where did the idea of giving gifts at Christmas come from? A Christmas gift is a gift given in celebration of Christmas. Dictionaries describe a gift as something that is “voluntarily transferred” and “does not imply compensation.” Of course, that is a spectacular simplification of the concept of gifts. If you can't find a gift for your significant other, does it mean your relationship is on the rocks? Family. Question: "Should we give gifts at Christmas?" The Romans had their own tradition of giving gifts during Saturnalia, which was a festival that began on the 17 th of December and lasted until the 23 rd.. St. Nicholas was perhaps one of the most famous gift givers in Christmas history, as he delighted children and adults alike in the surprise presents he left behind in the shoes that were left outside. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. “I was always Santa in the family,” says Alice,* who admits to buying gifts for her ex, ostensibly from the kids, for the first few years after her divorce. Question: "Should we give gifts at Christmas?" I love Christmas. For your news to be well-received, you need to address both the practical and How do you tell someone you won't be buying them a gift this Christmas? Food. In other ways, giving gifts at Christmas is a relatively new development, as well. Hitting the malls in search of Christmas gifts can be a stressful experience, but there's nothing quite like receiving that perfect, thoughtful gift. True selflessness is a gem hard to find in this world. What Your Gift-Giving Habits Say About You. Seldom acknowledged and rarely discussed, these rules determine what we give, how much we give, and to whom we give. Our 8-year-old son asked us the other day why we give gifts at Christmas, and I wasn't sure what to say. He was known for giving gifts. Do you understand the unwritten rules of gift-giving? St. Nicholas of Myra was a Greek bishop and saint who died in 343. It was silly to wrap a gift up that we already knew what it was and open it up in front of our kids and now grand-kids. I turned 43. Unfortunately, we’ve almost forgotten the meaning of those original gifts. “We’re making guesses about what other people need or want or like," said Waldfogel, author of Scroogenomics: Why You Shouldn't Buy Presents for the Holidays. So why do we do it? It’s my favorite time of year. I surveyed my mom friends who share custody, and I found that pretty much all of them do exactly the same thing, and they feel just as resentful as I do. ... And what we don’t want to do is give them a gift … – for ladies to buy gifts for their fellers. "If I … Christmas is coming! 1) First and foremost, it is a tradition to give gifts on occasions like Christmas and New Year. A: Shortly after Jesus was born, a small group of men traveled hundreds of miles to pay Him homage and give Him gifts. So why give gifts to each other instead of giving them to the birthday boy? Seldom acknowledged and rarely discussed, these rules determine what we give, how much we give, and to whom we give. Despite living only in our minds and expectations, the unwritten rules of gift-giving govern everything from the In the Catholic Church, his feast day is December 6, the first day of Advent, the time leading up to Christmas. He was known for giving gifts. Do you understand the unwritten rules of gift-giving? Although we can’t be certain, over the centuries the example of those “wise men” (as we usually call them) probably contributed to our modern custom of giving gifts at Christmas.