There are more documents in My Documents as if the most recent documents added were not there. For example, an empty form is a document and then after it is filled in becomes a record. Becasue the document is defined. I am studying article usage, and I have a query regarding your e.g. For example a person can store all photos in a folder named photos, while he can store videos in another similarly named folder. There are no requited retention schedule for documents beyond its business need. Folders are of great help in organizing files. Folders can even contain folders inside them. The new folder that is created will have My Pictures, My Videos, and My Music inside, but that is it. Compare & Combine Documents In my example, I wanted to see what the difference was between my old resume written in 2007 and the latest one updated in 2013. When and where (what type of file) should I use document, book and library? He can then place all such folders in a folder called My Documents. You would then click on Create to open a new document based on this template. My Documents vs Public Documents What is the logic leading to inclusion of some documents/folders in My Documents and others in Public documents. How To Compare Two Word Documents and Find Differences Home >> Microsoft >> MS Office >> How To Compare Two Word Documents and Find Differences Comparing documents for differences is a tedious process, but you can check for difference between 2 word document easily. I often use 'Document' in making files such as brochures and also an ebook. Duplicate files in User\Documents &User\My Documents-which to remove? (He sent me a document titled "My Life Abroad."). The paths that Explorer shows on the top can be a little misleading- they're meant to make it easy to find files, so a lot of important stuff is omitted. A scan by Duplicate Cleaner Free 3.2.1 shows copies in multiple locations, including User\Documents and User\My Documents. It is the same. And you can keep up to 30 million files in one document library, but it is better to not doing that as it will affect SharePoint performance, and you have to do more administration task in the future. Enter the contents of two files and click Find Difference I'll keep looking.---Documents Properties for folder Diffchecker is a diff tool to compare text differences between two text files. Both Documents and My Documents bring me to C:\Users\Username\Documents, but when I go in a subdirectory, I don't find the same number of documents. Hi This has to do with the naming conventions that are used in the underlying code for Windows. I tried to use Windows Explorer to move a directory currently under "My Documents" so it would be under "Documents" but Windows 7 objected, saying my source and destination were the same.