You can add other videos, a subscribe button, or a link to another channel … 5. Youtube used to offer a feature that allowed to play all videos from a channel as a playlist, just by clicking a button on said channel. I'm Jennifer from the Fiber Flux blog where we celebrate all things stitchy! How to Optimize a YouTube Channel and Videos for Better Visibility by Jeremy Vest on Social Media Examiner. That’s Step #1, at least. YouTube makes this really easy with end screen elements you can layer over the last 20 seconds of your video. 25 ways to optimize your YouTube channel By Chris Robley. Hi there and welcome to the Fiber Flux channel! A YouTube channel checklist for musicians. This feature is now hidden, but still accessible by adding an URL parameter to the current page: open a video from the channel you want to watch. They create great videos. Your YouTube channel home page is the first thing people see, so it needs to make a good impression. Your Google account automatically gives you a personal YouTube account. A: If you join a streamer's channel at any point before you hit the "join server" button in your YouTube connections, all you need to do is make sure to sync your YouTube account with your Discord account, and then wait up to 1 hour for Discord's member-sync to kick in. What do all successful YouTubers have in common? This will show you who has access to your YouTube channel To invite a new manager, click on the invite button in the top right-hand corner and type out email addresses to invite them to manage your channel. Take time to build a professional home page that encapsulates what your channel is about. Click on the "OK, I'm Ready to Continue" button. April 24, 2015 . And from this pop-up, you should see a permissions tab to the left. #1: Design a Compelling YouTube Channel Home Page. However, to create a YouTube account for your business, you will want to set up a brand account. add the following text at then end of the URL: With a personal YouTube account, you will be the only person who can manage your channel. Add a checkmark to the checkbox that's associated with each activity you want people who visit your YouTube channel's page to be able to do. From the new YouTube studio screen, you want to click on the settings button in the bottom left-hand corner.